Chapter 14

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"...and she had the audacity to get all up in my face about it and literally spat in my face! I just about got rid of my acne and it'll all come back thanks to her and her germs. But anyway, I stepped back and she thought I was scared of her and she had that ugly smug look on her face and I just wanted to slap it flying off. She literally had the nerve to even poke her finger at me! Can you believe it dad? Who pokes people?! So I did the grown up thing and used my fathers name to my advantage and skipped the queue and picked up every last thing of what she wanted. Don't worry though, I asked everyone in the line if they would like some so I ended up giving most of it to them." I said before releasing a big breath. That was long. "Anyway, how's your soup?" I asked.

His face remained frozen almost as though he was trying to process what exactly happened. Rolling my eyes in amusement I picked up the spoon and gently shoved it in his mouth to pull him out of his day dream.

"So after pestering me about eating for the last two hours, you went for half an hour and got into an argument, bought a bunch of food, and just gave it to people?" He asked in disbelief as I nodded my head.

"Yeah pretty much." I shrugged. "Anyway, how's the soup I fought tooth and nail for, Benjamin?" I asked as he burst into a fit of laughter but stopped just as quick as he winced in pain.

Immediately taking the soup from him, I stood by his side holding the button in case I needed to call someone. I watched as his face was scrunched up in pain for a solid couple of seconds before taking a few deep breaths.

"I think I need to get to sleep after this soup." He groaned as I sat on the side of his bed and fed him soup. "I can feed myself." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes and completely ignored him.

It wasn't long till he was all done eating, the second he was finished I handed him a cup of water before handing him the medicine button thingy that pumps medication into his IV. I guess since he's the chief of surgery he can be trusted enough with it.

He was soon knocked out cold leaving me completely alone. I just about managed to send everyone out and on their way so they could shower and come back. My brothers all went home a couple hours after staying with dad, while I made Mason take mom home so she could get some food and also relax a little. I know he wanted nothing more than for me to come along with him, but he also knows that it wasn't happening.

Hayley, Cassidy, and Rachel all decided to stay over at dads so they were all together. Besides they were babysitting the twins and it made it a lot easier for themselves by forking off the toddlers to them. They absolutely afford the four of them and I'm pretty sure they'd volunteer to take them too.

I got Harry and Max to bring all my books, laptop, notebooks and pens so I could study while staying with dad at the same time. I still have midterms this coming week and also the week after.

Sitting on the floor, I crossed my legs and opened up my textbooks. It's only six in the evening meaning I have an entire day and a half before my test.

I could feel my eyes starting to close forcing me to shake myself awake. I'm not sure when I got an entire nights rest was, but I'm pretty sure I'll be fine after a nap. I forcefully kept my eyes wide open as I leaned against the couch and began typing on my laptop. At first I was hesitant to use it at all since I thought it would make too much noise, but those meds are having him sleep like a baby.

Shaking my head for the nth time, I let out a loud yawn that was soon cut short the second I heard a gentle knock at the door.

"Everly Carter?" She asked as I nodded and watched as she handed me a bag.

"Whose this from?" I asked in confusion.

"Someone called Mason? Do you know him? Should I take that? Oh my god what if it's a bomb or something?! I just hand delivered you a bomb!" She whisper panicked as I burst into a fit of giggles.

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