Chapter 37

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I'm not sure whether or not I'm grateful we're back at school or regretful. I've been nothing but bored out of my mind for majority of the time we were off, but at the same time it's not like I didn't enjoy it. It's funny how I can't wait to get a break from school, and then miss it once we're gone, and then go back to hating it when we start.

It's been two weeks since we've been back to school and the weather has gotten nicer by each passing day. And by 'nice' I mean the gorgeous rain, the beautiful wind, and let's not forget the odd couple times it snows. I can't wait for the snowstorms and when the snow actually settles.

It was Ariana's birthday two weeks ago and since she poor girl was sick, we all decided to have a little party in her living room. I had planned everything like I did for the twins, however it all went down the drain the second she caught the flu.

I got all my friends at Austin and Cassidy's house and we all started setting up the decorations while she lay clueless in her bed fast asleep. Our theme was Aurora since she has been her favourite princess for as long as I can remember. We had pink streamers all around the living room, a large pink arrangement of Aurora balloons, a bunch of party games, and last but not least a two tier Aurora cake.

It's safe to say she absolutely adored the entire thing and her flu was gone within seconds. She played every single party game I had set up, she ate two slices of cake, filled her tummy up with all the desserts from the dessert table, and danced like there was no tomorrow. She was absolutely knackered by the end of it and was out like a light the second her head hit her pillow.

Mason's also perfectly well. He had gotten his stitches taken out a couple days ago and his gunshot wound was healing nicely. I felt like a nurse each time I changed his bandage or helped him shower.

The only problem at the moment is that I still need to tell Mason about his sperm donor. I had promised Harry that I would tell him the moment he gets better, but that's proven to be a complete lie considering his lack of knowledge.

Speaking of his sperm donor, the last time he called was when Mason and I went grocery shopping and he was standing outside watching us. I haven't received a single phone call, email, letter, absolutely nothing. It's almost as though he's forgotten the entire thing and gone back to England. I wish.

"Mason, we're going to be late!" I yelled as I threw my hair up in a messy bun before putting on a random sweatshirt.

Mason woke up an entire hour late and decided he's still going to go to the gym no matter how late he is. And by he, it ends up being we. Since he missed an entire two and a half weeks of gym, he's decided to go twice a day to make up for lost time. Talk about being a gym freak.

He can running out of our room with both backpacks on his shoulder before grabbing an apple. I quickly unlocked the door and let us out before locking it behind me. Before I knew it we were in the lobby and rushing around along with a bunch of other late students. 

We practically ran to campus and just about managed to make it to class on time. This whole skipping a year thing has had me nervous as hell, the only reason being because I don't know a single person in any of my classes. Despite being the most sociable person to ever have lived, I'm also the most shy when it comes to first making friends. For all I know they'll just laugh in my face and ignore me.

Just as I sat down in the corner of the room, I silently took in a couple deep breaths trying not to show how much I was struggling. Running is not for me. Just as I took my laptop out of my bag, someone slid a water bottle over to me.

I looked over at the guy sitting besides me to see him paying attention to our professor.

"Thanks." I whispered as I took the bottle and drank half of it in one go.

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