Chapter 8

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"Dad I'm thirsty." I yawned as he rolled his eyes and stood up from his desk while shooting me an annoyed glare before leaving his office while I innocently smiled to myself.

Our apartment felt lonely since Mason, Harry and their study group decided to spend the next ten days studying every waking minute before their midterms. As I said earlier, I start an entire week before everyone else and also finish an entire week after.

Anyway, while I was in my own world studying in my room I swear on Mr and Mrs Bananas lives that I heard shuffling coming from somewhere in the apartment. I wouldn't think anything of it, but considering I know for a fact that not a single person I know would be there in that moment of time, I decided our apartment was officially haunted and there was no way I was letting whatever it was get me first.

And so I packed up whatever I needed into my backpack and got an Uber to dads house. Surprisingly enough he was sat in his office doing whatever paperwork he had to do and was more than happy for me to join him. Well, that was till I asked for something to eat or drink every few minutes, got him to adjust the air con to a certain level, and lastly make him move his desk more to the left so I had more work space.

I felt like a child again sitting in his office with my crayons, drawing a picture for dad to stick onto the refrigerator, his office walls, and his bed room. However this time, I'm surrounded with multiple papers, a whiteboard, text books, and my laptop open in front of me drawing out organs. All to take my fathers job one day.

"I'm this close to kicking you out." He huffed as I rolled my eyes and took the juice box from him along with the plate of cookies. Judge me all you want but I did just say I feel like a child again.

Sitting back down at his desk, I mumbled a quick 'thank you' while we both continued getting on with our work. I made sure to ask him occasional questions or to explain certain things. I've got the smartest man I know who just so happens to have the degree I'm working towards and also years and years of experience, how can I not use him?

As I sipped on my juice box and continued making notes, a loud bang brought my right out of my thoughts making me jump in surprise. My head snapped up to see a furious look on dads face just as he stormed out of the office. What on earth?

Hesitantly putting down the juice box, I stood up and slowly made my way out of his office. He wasn't in the hallway, or the living room, or the kitchen. I walked up the stairs and the sound of the two running from one of the bathrooms immediately caught my attention.

I stood outside the room contemplating for a solid thirty seconds whether or not I should say something.

", are you okay?" I asked as I knocked on the door, the tap still running.

He didn't respond, instead a few painful seconds went by before he pulled open the door dabbing his face with a white face towel.

"I'm fine." He sighed as I narrowed my eyes at him, not quite believing a single word that came out of his mouth. "Don't give me that look." He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lead me down the stairs.

"Well don't lie to me then." I frowned as he rolled his eyes and walked back into his office.

"Im okay, just got frustrated. Nothing big." He shrugged off as I gave him a look of absolute disbelief. He's fooling no one.

"Fine." I shrugged as I turned away from him and sat back down on the floor.

I heard him sigh while I continued working. I didn't say a single word and neither did he for the next entire two hours. I hadn't realised when the sunlight had been replaced with the light from the light bulb and neither had I realised when mom put a plate of food in front of me.

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