Chapter 7

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I have approximately five days, five hours, and forty two minutes before my very first test. I can almost feel my hair starting to fall from the build up of stress over the last few days. After my date with Mason, I've been in this study room any spare minute I possibly have for hours at a time. I've been so lost into my textbooks and whiteboard that Mason quite literally has to come and sit on the floor to feed me dinner and refill my bottle of water for me.

"Mums called me over to help move the fridge outside for the new one to come in tomorrow." He said after he knocked on the door and popped his head in.

"Okay." I mumbled as I continued writing my notes.

"Make sure you eat in on time, I've got two bottles of water for you and your foods set out on the table." He said as he walked in and kissed the top of my head.

"Okay, drive safe. Say hi to Kelly for me." I said as he chuckled and left the room.

Despite having midterms an entire week before everyone else, I still won't be done till an entire week after them considering I'm doing double. I'll be sat among hundreds of people I don't even know sitting a test they've prepared an entire year for while I only have two weeks.

The next three and a half hours I spent nose deep in my text book. I managed to complete a good three quarters of it, but that just means that I'm close to opening another one. I've been splitting my entire study sessions into sections of body parts. It makes it so much easier for me to actually know what exactly I'm doing and what I've missed, but right now my brain has turned to mush. 

Lying down on the floor, I took a second to close my eyes and relax for a moment before getting back to work. I cancelled out all the noise coming from outside, the loud honking and people casually yelling as they do on a daily basis, and kept my eyes shut.

"Now I owe him ten dollars." I heard a soft voice groan as their arms loops under my knees and back successfully picking me up off the floor.

I snuggled closer into his chest and inhaled his familiar scent as I listened to his heart beat. It almost lulled me back to sleep if it wasn't for the gentle taps on my cheek.

"I'm going to get you changed okay?" He whispered as I nodded and felt him lay me down on our bed.

I felt myself go on and out of consciousness as I tried my absolute hardest to stay awake long enough so I could get changed. Instead, just as Mason helped me put on a shirt, I was out like a light.


The next morning arrived fairly quickly. Mason's usual five in the morning alarm went off and he was up quick enough to turn it off before I was fully awake. My brain was wide awake but my eyes were glued shut. I felt him press a kiss to my forehead before getting out of bed.

Grabbing his pillow, I cuddled it close all while keeping my eyes closed. I don't have the energy to open them.

"I know you're awake my love." Mason chuckled as he moved my hair away from my face and kissed my temple.

"Mhm." I mumbled not wanting to speak either.

"Try get back to sleep, I'll be back in an hour." He said said as I nodded and listened to him grab his gym bag before leaving our room. A few moment went by and I heard him unlock and lock the front door.

I stayed in bed for a little longer before I got the energy to finally open my eyes. I pulled my phone out from underneath my pillow and opened our family group chat.

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