Chapter 48

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"I've got the car running, it should be nice and warm for you." Mason said as he carried my bag out of the door with me following close behind. "Mia stayed over at Max's so they should be here soon." He said as he glanced at his phone just as the elevator doors closed.

"Thank you." I smiled as I kissed his cheek and leaned against the wall while waiting for the elevator to get to the parking lot.

"How many days is it again?" He asked as I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Just two, princess." I laughed as he shot me a glare just as the elevator doors split open.

Holly, Mia and I are going on a little girls trip. We booked a suit with three rooms for us to stay at and has a spa, swimming pool, and an arcade on the lower levels. It was actually the boys' idea to send us away and they're the ones that booked everything for us. They only told us this morning and I've been rushing around packing everything Mason forgot about.

Considering it was their idea, they've been so reluctant to let us go, especially Mason. My constant reassuring has done absolutely nothing but I'm not surprised either, he's always been a worrier, psycho father obsessed with us or not.

"We're here!" Mia and Holly said at the same time as they came walking out of the elevator just as Mason and I got to the car.

Max and Kade were following behind with their duffel bags in hand while the girls ran over to us. They both looked as miserable as each other and that only made my amusement grow.

"I can't wait to get that massage." Holly said dreamily as I nodded in agreement. "Thank you boys." She grinned as she threw her arms around the three boys before pulling away and hugging Mia and I.

"Okay, your phones charged, I've got a power bank in your purse just in case, call me if you need anything." Mason said as he kissed the top of my head.

Opening the drivers side door, he leaned in and typed the address into the GPS before turning to face me. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat.

"Be safe, and take care of my little girl." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

"I will, make sure you eat on time. I'll call you." I said as I pecked his lips before getting in the car.

Leaning in, he pulled the seatbelt and buckled it in before kissing me one last time and closing the door.

"Sigh if only your goodbyes were as romantic as theirs are." Holly exaggerated as she fell back into the backseat while Kade rolled his eyes and pulled her out.

"I love you, wife." He chuckled as she kissed his cheek and got into the passenger seat.

"Enjoy yourself worry wart, call me when you get there." Max grinned as he pecked Mia's lips and opened the door for her.

Once we were all in, our boys stood on the side and watched as I backed out of the parking lot and drove out. Holly instantly started playing one of her playlists and turned up the volume.

We sang along to every song she played and before I knew it we were at the hotel. The snow has fallen quite thick but thankfully enough on the way here it wasn't snowing and the roads were clear. I absolutely hate driving in the snow mainly because I don't trust myself. After the accident a couple years ago I've definitely been hesitant to drive, but it's never been a problem since Mason always drives us everywhere anyway.

Getting out of the car, we grabbed our bags and made our way inside. The second we walked through the glass doors and into the lobby, we were hit with warm air and I instantly relaxed. There was a cinnamon candle burning somewhere and it smelt delicious.

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