Chapter 49

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"Open your eyes for me, love." I heard Mason's distant voice softly speak as his hold on my hand tightened.

There's absolute silence. I can't hear a single thing except the faint sound of his breathing. I'm afraid of what I'll see or what will happen if I do open my eyes. While my eyes are closed I'm completely ignorant to anything that happened after I fainted. A part of me wants it to stay that was but the bugging feeling deep in my brain won't let me.

Much to my dismay, my eyes fluttered open and I was met with Mason's piercing blue eyes filled with concern.

"Oh thank god." He said as he let out a sigh of relief and pressed a long kiss on my forehead.  

"M..." I started but immediately burst into a fit of coughs. My throat was sore as though I'd been choked...well I was.

"No don't speak, you shouldn't strain your throat." He said as he handed me a bottle of water and helped me sit up before drinking it.

Leaning against the headboard, I closed my eyes and took in a couple deep breaths before opening them. My hands rest on my belly trying to offer both myself and our baby as much comfort I possibly could.

"Baby's fine." He said, reading my mind.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I felt Mason place his hands over mine before kissing the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt him hug me as tight as he possibly could.

"I'm so fucking sorry, I don't know what I was thinking sending you away." He sniffled as I held onto him tighter. It's not his fault, it really isn't. He wanted me to have a relaxing weekend away before we get hit with our finals.

"It's okay." I croaked out, cringing at the sound of my own voice. It's like someone ran a train through oesophagus. "What happened?" I asked as I pulled away and kept a tight hold on his hands.

"Elijah brought you and the girls home and called Ben and Athena to check up on you. They said nothing was wrong but you'll have a sore throat for a while. Holly and Mia are okay too, they're just a little shaken up that's all." He reassured me but I didn't believe him. Mia's more than a little shaken up.

"I'm guessing he got away?" I whispered as he regretfully nodded and stood up.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch for touching a hair on your hair." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "I'll make you something to eat, yeah? You've been out for a while." He said softly before walking out of our room.

Looking around, I spotted my phone on the bedside table and picked it up before tapping on Mia's contact name. I held my phone up to my ear before snuggling deeper under the covers and listened to it ring.

"Hey Ev, how are you?" She asked the second she answered the phone. I could hear it in her voice, she was exhausted and upset.

"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked anxiously biting my lip.

"I'm okay, just a couple bruises but other than that I'm fine." She waved off as I let out a small sigh.

"You know that's not what I mean, Mi. Do you girls want to come up? We could snuggle on the couch and watch movies to make us cry." I suggested as she laughed automatically making a smile appear on my face.

"Holly and I are staying with the boys tonight, but we'll do it tomorrow. And I promise I'm okay, just a little surprised." She said, completely downplaying it.

"Okay, I'll speak to you later. I love you, Mimi." I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"Love you too Ev." She whispered before hanging up.

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