Chapter 61

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"Hey baby girl, I know you're probably sick of hearing my voice but you won't let me sleep!" I groaned but I couldn't help the wide smile on my face. "I went to a doctors appointment today without daddy because he'd a lazy old man. She said she could see something peeping out on the side." I grinned, unable to contain myself. I feel as though I might burst if I don't tell anyone. I picked up the ultrasound and showed it to the camera before pointing at the 'thing'. "That's your brother." I breathed out. "We're having two little angels and daddy doesn't even know." I squealed as Mason snored away. "Mommy loves you baby, and you too I guess baby boy." I winked before stopping the recording and adding it to the album.

Dr Charles had called early in the morning saying her trip was cut short and that she'd be back at work today. With the sleepless nights Mason has had over the last week, I thought I'd let him rest for a couple more hours before the appointment.

The only problem was, half an hour before the appointment Mason was as dead as as a corpse. I shook him, I yelled, I cried, I sprinkled water on his face, nothing. I was genuinely afraid that he was dead and that I had accidentally suffocated him till I remembered that I can check his pulse. He was still very much alive but his brain was switched off.

In the end I simply gave up and decided to go by myself. I grabbed his car keys and left a note on my pillow in case he woke up while I was gone. I had Milo and Noah both accompany me incase anyone decides to pop up out of the shadows and kidnap me, thankfully they didn't.

Both Noah and Milo waited in the waiting room while Dr Charles finally got the ultrasound she needed. Baby girl had thankfully moved just enough to get a good look at what was hiding in the last appointment. It was our son. That's right, I've got two babies in my belly right now and we only knew about one of them for six whole months.

I had a full breakdown in her office for a whole ten minutes before the excitement kicked in. We're having a son and a daughter. Mason and I were going to be parents to not only one, but two little babies. We were going to be responsible for tiny lives. And that's when the nerves kicked in. We were going to responsible for two tiny humans. Tiny humans who depended on us to practically read their minds and feed them, put them to sleep, change their diapers, and just entertain them.

It took me a good amount of time to process our little discovery, and it did make me feel a lot better about being so huge. I'm having two babies, of course I'm the size of an adult whale! If anything I was afraid that I wasn't big enough. This baby had not been monitored at all for the last six months, what if something was wrong with him and we had no idea?

Dr Charles had done a bunch of tests and promised me that baby boy was perfectly fine. He was simply hiding behind his sister and enjoying life while she got all the attention. She takes after her mother with that one.

Noah and Milo had dropped me off back to my apartment once I had them run a few errands with me. I expected Mason to be stood by the door and bombard me with a million and one questions on where I was and why I hadn't woken him up, but to my surprise he was still sound asleep. He looked absolutely adorable and I felt so bad that he even needed this much sleep to begin with.

So I ate breakfast, went for this doctors appointment, ran errands, planned on a cute way to tell him I wasn't dying and we were having twins instead, ate lunch, tidied our apartment, and got back in bed all while he slept.

By the time he had woken up, the sun had already set and he was convinced that he had woken up before the sun. Technically he had since it's nightfall, however what he didn't realise was that he had slept through the entire day. Since Mason hates the twenty four hour format of time on his phone, he has it so it's just the actual numbers and not anything after twelve, and so the seven on his phone had him thinking it was the morning and he got up to get ready for the gym.

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