Chapter 12

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"...her back, can't we stage a kidnapping." I heard dad harshly whisper over the phone as I opened his office door. I watched as he jumped five feet in the air and gave me a look of...fear? Strange man.

"What did I say about coming in here?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I crossed my arms and watched he hung up on whoever he was on the phone to and turned to me with a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, I know mother." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Off to bed I go." He grumbled as he grumpily walked past me and made his way towards the stairs.

"Before you go, did you take your medication?" I asked as he sat on a step and nodded while I took out my checklist and ticked it off. "Have you eaten both your meals?" I asked as he nodded once again. "Did you eat the bowl of fruit I had cut out for you?" I asked as he nodded and yawned. "Last but not least, how many hours of sleep did you get last night. Roughly." I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ten hours darling." He yawned as I scoffed and slapped his arm with my clipboard.

"Incorrect, you got five hours!" I glared as he gave me a look of absolute disbelief. "You spent an hour and half of those other five hours throwing up throughout the night, two hours staying wide awake waiting for your pain meds to kick in, and another hour and a half sitting outside." I said as he let out a loud groan.

"And how many hours of sleep did you get last night?" He asked with a challenging look.

"Well I...that's besides the point." I waved off as he stood up and completely towered over me. My previous bossiness was running off.

"Nope, not besides the point. Whose the parents, you or me? Me, thats right? Now how many hours of sleep did you get? Did you eat a fruit bowl? Have you eaten two out of three meals so far today?" He bombard as I shot him a glare and grabbed his arm before pulling him up the stairs.

"I got plenty of sleep last night, I ate a banana, and yes I ate two meals." I said as I pushed him into his room and walked into his closet.

Picking out a pair of sweats, I handed them over to him and pointed at the bathroom. Shooting me a harsh glare, he grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom to change while mumbling a bunch of inaudible words under his breath.

Once he was changed, he came back out just as his phone rang.

The two of us looked back and forth between each other and phone. I immediately dived for it at the same time as he did. Luckily for me, I managed to get it first. I answered the call and darted to the other side of the room while keeping my arm out so he wouldn't grab it from me.

"Benjamin Carters phone how may I help you?" I spoke as dad quite literally face palmed himself as I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Hi darl, could you please let Dr Carter know that we need him to come in for a meeting please?" She answered.

"I do apologise but he won't be able to make it in today, he's very sick and is on strict bed rest. Mrs Dr Carter will be attending all meetings and also be in charge. Will that be all?" I asked as he shot up from the bed and shot me a harsh glare.

"Ohh okay, I hope he gets well soon. I'll make sure to take anything else up with her. Thank you." She said before hanging up.

"If my hospital is burnt to the ground when I get back, it's on you." He huffed as I rolled my eyes and watched as he let out a loud yawn.

"Nap time!" I grinned as I switched off all the lights and pulled the curtains to block out the sunlight.

I could tell he was tired, his eyes were ever so slowly dropping and he was fighting himself to stay awake.

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