Chapter 13

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It's time and I don't know what to do. Dads team are surrounding him as we speak talking him through the entire thing while he rolls his eyes and waved them all off.

"Are you forgetting that this has been my job for fifteen years and I've done this procedure more times than all of you combined?" He asked as they rolled their eyes in amusement.

"While you're in there, take some of that attitude out." I scolded as they burst into a fit of laughter while dad innocently shrugged his shoulders.

"Kelly and Ray should be here any second to get you wheeled in. See you in a few." Dr Wallace chuckled as they all walked out the second Kelly and Ray came walking in.

I stood to the side along with mom and let them do what they needed to do. I watched as he not so discreetly whispered something to Kelly who simply nodded with a smile on her face.

Moments later, mom and I were by his side as Kelly, Ray, and two other nurses wheeled him over to the elevator to take him up to the OR floor. The short ride was filled with light chatter mostly from dad who seemed as though he could care less about going in for surgery. Brain surgery. They were going to perform a craniotomy, remove a second of his skull where the tumour is. His head is all shaved and it honestly doesn't look bad. It looked quite cool and I regret saying that to him. He instantly felt ten years younger. Silly old man.

"It's a nap." I told him as I kept a tight hold on his hand while mom held his other hand.

"It's just a nap." He smiled. "I'll be fine and Ursula will be gone." He reassured as I bit my lip and nodded.

"I've always hated Ursula." I grumbled as he chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"We'll see you in five hours." Mom smiled as she kissed his forehead.

"If my room isn't decorated with balloons and streamers and cake, then you're both in big trouble." Dad said to the both of us as we rolled our eyes.

"See you in a bit." I waved as they wheeled him in through the double doors and then through to the OR.

"Five hours." Mom whispered shakily as I kept a tight hold on her hand.

"Five hours." I said softly as I lead her over to the waiting area.

"Has he gone in?" Aiden's breathless voice called with Austin and Elijah came rushing behind.

"Kids!" They huffed in disappointment as they took a seat next to mom.

"It's fine, no biggie. It's only..." Aiden said as he looked at me and mom waiting for us to tell him how long the surgery was.

"Five hours." We said as they nodded kept their eyes on the double doors just a couple feet away from us.

The four of them were just as impatient as each other. It's barely been a couple of minutes and they wouldn't stop checking the clock. I can't say much, I'm exactly the same. I quietly stood up from my seat and snuck off to the side where the door lead to the OR viewing rooms. I climbed up the stairs and grabbed a pair of scrubs before opening a supply closet.

I quickly put them on and picked up a clipboard and pen that had a list of cleaning supplies before exiting the room. If you behave as though you belong, then you do.

I nodded and smiled at a bunch of doctors that walked past before opening the door and quickly rushed in. Locking the door behind me, I sat down on the floor with my back facing the glass and closed my eyes.

"Patient Ben Carter, we will be performing a craniotomy to remove the tumour in the base of the skull. Let's get this thing out." I heard Dr Wallace speak as I kept my eyes closed.

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