Chapter 16

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It's Wednesday. The day I do my last and final test before I'm completely free for the summer. My mood was lifted, the wide smile on my face made no sign of moving, and all I wanted to do was just skip down the hallway. And so I did.

I skipped down the hallway one last time till next year and stood with the long line of student waiting to be let in. I don't think I saw a single student with a frown on their face, they all looked as happy as each other. While Mason slept like a log last night, I spent majority of the night studying for this final test. I may as well give it whatever I have left.

As we walked into the room, we all sat in our assigned seats and listened to the same rules we've...well I've, been listening to for the last three weeks. Imagine that, three weeks of tests and I haven't thrown myself in front of a bus. Id say that's progress.

Before I knew it, the minutes hand on the clock immediately hit the twelve and we were off. Not a single person in this room was struggling with this test, including me. We absolutely flied through the paper and before I knew it only an hour had passed and we were all done. Not a single person was left writing.

I expected the last test to be the hardest just to make us all depressed when we leave, but I can't possibly be any happier than I am in this moment of time. Every single thing I studied last night came up in this paper and if that isn't he best feeling ever, then I don't know what is.

After seeing us all finished, Dr Evans contemplated for a solid few minutes about letting us go. There was no point keeping us back for an hour and a half bored out of our minds as we all just stare at each other.

Sighing, he stood up from his seat and began collecting all the papers. Before he could even speak, everyone raced out of the room with wide grins on their face.

"If this test really was that easy, I have a feeling I'll be seeing go in my fourth year class." Dr Evans said with a proud smile as he held his hand up for a high five.

"Thanks, maybe I'll graduate next year." I shrugged as I high fived him before leaving the room.

In this specific moment of time, I could care less about Aunt Flo's visit and the aching feeling in my stomach. I finally have an entire two months to stay worry free. We usually get out results in the last two weeks of July. That's three or four weeks away and all I'm saying is that I'm keeping myself worry free.

Dad was out of the hospital on Monday, we were supposed to go see him but with the two tests I had along with my organs being blended, we didn't go. Instead, we sat on FaceTime with my family and it felt as though we were actually there.

It was nice seeing him look so much better already. I hadn't noticed his slightly paler complexion, or how he was nauseous most of the time, or even the terrible migraines. I won't lie and say I didn't feel absolutely horrible, because I did, but all that matters is that he's healthy and safe. When the kids all first saw him they were all as confused as each other. The twins put the pieces together after asking a bunch of questions, and once they got it out of him they gave him hell. Well, that was before dad pulled the 'I'm recovering' card and instantly made them shut up and take the kids to play.

It's almost the E's birthday and I can't be more excited than I already am. I took it upon myself to rob Elijah of his card and go wild, with permission from the only person that matters, Rachel. And of course, she instantly agreed and even handed me her own card. It's not like I was going to use it but for her own peace of mind I took it. She's never been one to let Elijah pay for everything be it bills, gifts, parties, rent, and all the above.

My babes are turning four soon, I can't help but shed a tear.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I tapped on Masons contact and waited for him to pick up. I'm on my way to the mall to pick up their gifts first. I don't want to get too caught up in the party planning that I forget about the main two things. Gifts and cake.

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