Chapter 52

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"He's so hot." I groaned as I stuffed my face into a cushion and screamed into it before glancing up at Mason who switched off the TV.

Shooting him a glare, I got up and reached for the remote just for him to hold it above his head. I grabbed his shoulders and stood on the couch before wrapping my legs around his torso and reached up for it. He free was The only thing keeping me up since both my arms were reaching up for the remote.

All I wanted to do was watch Ryan Gosling and his totally real stunts but most importantly his gorgeous face.

I leaned back and tried taking Mason down with me onto the couch, but he remained standing up straight while I quite literally hung off him. He was supposed to leave twenty minutes ago to go Go Karting with the others but he's still here, trying to convince me why he can't go. It's a good thing I lied and told him the time they booked the place for half an hour earlier. I knew he'd do this.

"Mason, give me the remote and get your butt out of here." I glared as he leaned down till I was lying on the couch before tossing the remote on the love seat on the other side of the room.

"You don't love me." He said as my eyes widened before I face palmed myself. "You just want me to leave so you can see your side piece." He glared as I bit back a laugh before glaring right back.

"Yes you're right, my main chick Ryan and I need some alone time. Now go!" I groaned as he rolled his eyes and grabbed his jacket from the armrest.

"I love you, make sure you eat, go to bed on time." He said as he kissed my forehead before kissing my lips. "Be good baby girl, let me know if your mum gets annoying." He whispered to my belly before kissing it and standing up.

"I'll see you in the morning." I grinned as I stood up on the couch and wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms went around my waist. "I love you, bye." I grinned as he kissed my cheek and left.

"Is he gone?" Dad yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Yep." I yelled back as his rapid footsteps came storming down the stairs.

"Let's get this show on the road." He grinned as I slipped on my boots and grabbed my coat.

Dad was already bundled up and looked like a snowman. He was wearing a beanie with his hood pulled over, he was wearing a large wooly scarf mom had knitted for him, his hands covered with thick black gloves, and I'm pretty sure he was wearing two hoodies underneath his coat.

"Nope, you need to wear more layers, doll." He said as I rolled my eyes and threw someone's hoodie over my head before putting on my own beanie, scarf and gloves.

"Good?" I asked as he zipped up my coat.

"Perfect!" He grinned as I zipped up my boots and followed dad outside to the backyard.

Closing the sliding door behind us, I let out a loud squeal in excitement and jumped up and down. I feel like I'm five all over again.

Dad and I made our way to the middle of the backyard and laid on the ground. We laid far enough from each other and began moving our legs up and down making snow angels. Every year when it snows dad and I make a snowman, this has been a tradition of some sorts since I was old enough to love snow. We'd take a picture of our snow angels every single year and I have them all in an album on my phone. You can see dads snow angel stay the same while mine grows bigger and bigger each year.

"I can't wait for Christmas tomorrow." I grinned as I stared up at the colourful lights hung around the outside of the house.

"One of your presents is diapers." Dad blurted out as I turned to look at him before bursting into a fit of giggles. "I'm being honest! I went grocery shopping the other day and saw the entire aisle full, so I thought it would make a great present." He shrugged as I stopped laughing just to restart. "I don't know why you're laughing, you'll be going through a hundred a week." He said as I rolled my eyes and got up off the floor.

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