Chapter 47

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"Okay mom and dad, there's your love bug." Dr Charles grinned as she turned the screen to show us our baby. The sound of its heartbeat filled the silence of the room and it felt like it was the first time I was hearing it.

Tears sprung to my eyes as Mason's hold on my hand significantly tightened. He kissed the back of my hand simply stared at the screen.

We've come for our three month scan and I've never felt happier. Our first trimester has officially come to an end and we're now stepping into our second. Dr Charles said the sickness should soon come to an end and barely even be a thing in the next coming weeks. I can't lie, that fact alone made me the happiest person alive. Sorry love bug, you're close second.

How's my baby?
- Holly

Dr Charles printed off the ultrasound and handed us two pictures before wiping the gel off my belly. I took a picture and sent it to our family and friends before getting off the table with Mason's help.

I woke up this morning and felt as though the baby fairy inflated my belly last night. It's been bloated for the last couple of weeks and doesn't really look like a pregnant belly. You know how you can tell the difference between being bloated and pregnant, I was bloated. It wasn't till Mason looked at my belly in shock this morning that I realised it had most definitely gotten rounder and stuck out more.

He hasn't stopped touching it or even looking at it, neither have I. I feel like we're both paranoid in some way that if we look away or even blink, poof the baby fairy takes it away.

Wrapping an arm around my waist, his hand was gently rubbing my belly as we made our way out of the room. I made another appointment for four weeks later before making our way back to the car.

We've made a tradition to go to iHop for breakfast after every appointment as a little treat. Walking in through the glass doors, I spotted a couple other pregnant women. Some looked around the same as I did but my belly was slightly bigger and others were further along. I'm guessing they had the same idea.

"Hi, what can I get you guys today?" A girl asked as she held her notepad and patiently waited for us.

"Can I get a stack of pancakes but can I replace the butter and maple syrup with chocolate?" I asked as she nodded and wrote it down. "That'll be all thank you." I smiled as Mason furrowed his eyebrows while reading the menu.

"I'll just have a full English please, and two glasses of apple juice." He ordered as she took the menus from us and disappeared.

"I have a belly." I grinned proudly as I sat back and looked down at it.

"You have a belly." He smiled as he looked over and pouted.

Grabbing my arm, he pulled me to his side and grabbed my phone from the table before opening the camera.

"Hi love bug, your dads recording today because your mums selfish and has you to herself. Anyway, your mum and I have come to eat breakfast. We're three months along today and todays the day you just popped out." He grinned as he panned the camera to my belly while I moved my pants so you could clearly see.

"You're still very tiny but you're making me look like a cute pregnant lady." I winked as Mason rolled his eyes.

"Oh look, breakfast is here." He said as the waitress from earlier placed the food down on the table before rushing off to another table. "Your mum gets very cranky when she doesn't eat every other hour of the day, but don't tell her I said that or she'll bite my head off." He whispered not so loudly as a wide smile made its way to my face just looking at him talking to the camera as though he's really talking to our baby right now. Well technically he will be when our baby watches it in the future.

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