Chapter 68

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Mason's POV:

Elijah's been in there for the last twenty minutes getting answers while we all wait in the meeting room where we've been working for the last two days. Two days, it's been two days since she's been taken and we're moving at a snails pace. I've been growing more frustrated by the second and I'm not liking how I feel as though my hands are tied. Realistically, we should've found her in hours. It's the fucking FBI for crying out loud, but it's taken us two days and we still haven't found shit.

I have a digesting feeling deep in the pit of my stomach and I hate every second of it. I feel as though I might throw up at any given moment but I know I won't. The only reason that feeling is there is because I'm completely ignorant to what's happening. She's in an unknown place, by herself, just less than eight months pregnant, and they're not treating her any good.

The fact that I have that small piece of knowledge on how she's being treated is enough to set me off. They could be doing so much worse for all I know, however I'm just sat here waiting. I promised to protect her and our babies, but when push comes to shove here the fuck I am doing fuck all.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I glared at the one guy that hasn't stopped staring at me.

I'm not quite sure what his name is since there's too many of them, however the way he's been looking at me is truly pissing me off. Maybe it's because I've been on edge about every single thing for the last two days, and am currently living off of the inhumane amounts of coffee I've consumed.

Rolling his eyes, he looked away and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Elijah came walking in seconds later and immediately closed the door behind him. Looking away from the guy, we all turned our heads and impatiently waited for Elijah to speak.

"There's four different addresses where they could be." He said as I instantly shot up from my seat soon followed by everyone else who surrounded Lacey's laptop.

Looking up, I watched as the same guy was still sat down typing on his phone.

"You don't get paid to sit on your ass, get the fuck up." I snarled as the guy looked up at me and raised an eyebrow at me.

Bambi would kill me if she saw how rude I was being to everyone but right now I could care less. I'm not being nice to anyone, I'm not going to be patient, I'm not taking any shit, not till I get her back.

I watched as Aiden furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before walking over to him and catching him off guard by snatching his phone from him. The guy got up almost instantly and reached for his phone, but Aiden's taller and held it out of his reach.

"You're fucking kidding me!" He yelled in anger as he tossed me the phone and grabbed the guy by his shirt before slamming him against the wall.

Everyone instantly attempted to pull Aiden away from the guy but he wasn't budging. The murderous look that's been on his face for the last two days was darker than before. Looking down at the phone Aiden had thrown to me, I read through the messages and charged right at him.

Ignoring the twenty plus people grabbing at me trying to pull me away, I shoved them all off. Punching him in the nose, I wrapped my hand around his neck and slammed him into the wall.  It's like I was in a trance with no way out. Punch after punch, his face was covered in blood and my knuckles were busted open. I could feel them trying to pull me off him but it wasn't happening. He barely looked conscious but it only fuelled my anger.

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