Chapter 65

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"Harry, I swear to god if you give up our place I'm going to strangle you with your own intestines." I whisper yelled as he clamped his mouth shut and shuffled backwards.

"He's coming." Harry whispered as sat underneath Mason's desk while Harry squeezed himself behind a large board filled with pictures for their next project. I could see Mason's legs walking towards his desk soon followed by a pair of tanned legs and red heels.

I had woken up this morning at 10:42 AM with no Mason in sight. I had the scariest dream anyone could possibly have, it was so scary I don't think I can say what it was about without bursting into tears. Mason was cheating on me. You heard that right, sweet and caring Mason Gregory Black was caught red handed cheating on me. Not only that, but TikTok had also told me that my fiancé is cheating on me too. Plus, it's a bit of a coincidence that Mason wasn't there in the morning right after I had woken up.

And so, after explaining the situation to Harry, with the help of Finn, we stormed into the office with pitchforks and fire torches.

Finn had told us that he witnessed Mason get awfully friendly with a new girl at the office and that alone confirmed every sign thrown my way this morning. Harry and I were going to burn this man to the ground.

"Thank you for your help, love." Mason chuckled as my jaw dropped to the ground.

My head snapped over to Harry who had the same reaction I did. He was lying on the floor, eyes as wide as saucers and his chin touching the floor. Who does this man think he is calling anyone who isn't Everly Rose soon to be Black 'love'? He belongs to the streets! I should've known the whore never leaves the man, engaged or not. TikTok has been warning me and showing me the signs this whole time yet I was too blinded by love.

"I wish I could take you home with me." I heard Mason say. That's it.

Crawling out from under the desk, I slammed my hands on the table and pulled myself up. A deadly glare on my face ready to fight any b-word and also the b-word that's cheating on me.

Mason jumped in surprise and shot me a confused yet amused look.

"You cheating piece of poop." I glared, completely ignoring anyone or anything else around us. "Here I am innocently sat at home growing our two babies and there you are having the time of your life at work. While I'm sat on the couch wondering if you'll come home alive, you're carelessly lounging around with..." I started as he slapped a hand over my mouth, biting back a laugh.

"Ally, Quinn, this is my fiancé Everly I was telling you about. Everly, my love, this is Quin and her daughter Allison." Mason grinned as I let out a loud scream.

"Mason I'm going to faint!" I glared as he rolled his eyes and pulled his chair forward for me to sit in. "Harry get your bottom out here and face the embarrassment with me." I whisper yelled as a nervous Harry slowly crawled out from behind the board and stood behind me.

"You're pretty." Allison grinned showing off her missing teeth.

Tears instantly welled up in my eyes and my lips pouted. I could feel my heart throbbing from how adorable she is.

"And you're the cutest." I pouted as she giggled sat down on Mason's desk.

"I helped Mason pick..." She started and Quinn immediately out a hand over her mouth, stopping her from talking.

"It's alright, Quinn. I already proposed." Mason chuckled as both Quinn and Allison had the widest grins on their faces.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" They both yelled at the same time as he immediately stood behind me with Harry.

A Blooming Rose حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن