Chapter 33

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"Harry will you sit with me on the Ferris wheel?" Emma squealed as she looked down at Harry who nodded. She bounced up and down on his shoulders as his hold on her tightened in case she fell.

We're all currently at a funfair that's usually held in Central Park in the last month of summer vacation. There's a bunch of rides, food stalls, little games, and a good few hundred of people all gathering around with their families. It's an annual thing and I'm pretty sure people clear out their schedules for at least a day to come here. It's definitely the highlight of my summer from my earliest possibly memory of being here.

I had promised the kids I'd bring them all since none of the parents had time off on the same day. The kids, except Hayden and Hudson, have never been to the fair since they've always been too small. And so my friends and I decided to bring them all with us on a little day out. Except baby Kai of course, Hayley didn't want him to be outside in such hot weather that too in such a crowded place.

"I wanna go too, Mase." Val pouted as she batted her eyelashes at him while he shook his head in amusement and nodded.

Harry, Mason, Valentina, Easton, Emma and Ari all disappeared to the Ferris wheel that was only a couple feet in front of us.

Hayden, Hudson and Miles had spotted a group of their friends a little while ago and ditched us to hang out with them. Typical kids thinking their cooler than their coolest big sister. According to them I can get 'very embarrassing' and I genuinely have no clue what they mean by that. How can I of all people be embarrassing? I don't think they know what they're talking about.

Holly, Mia and I are currently sitting on a bench holding every single toy the kids have won. And when I say kids I mean Mason, Harry, Max, Noah and Kade had won for them. It was occupying the entire bench keeping the three of us squashed to the side. Noah, Kade and Max have been playing one of those stall games for the last ten minutes trying to win the biggest prize. However the only person there at the moment that was enjoying themselves was the guy running the whole thing. I'm pretty sure he was having the time of his life taking money off the three of them and watching them fail before taking more. Idiots.

I think I might just drop out of school and have my very own stall here. It seems fun watching competitive strangers give me money till they win a rigged game. It's daylight robbery.

"I need to go to the loo." Mia said as she bit her lip and bounced her knee up and down.

"I'll come with you, Everly watch the toys." Holly said as the two of them rose from the bench.

"Yes mom." I laughed as she rolled her eyes and shoved my face.

I took my phone out of my pocket and began recording the Ferris wheel. I could see Mason with Val and Ari in one cart while Harry had Easton and Emma in the other. Easton being the protective brother he is sat in between the two of them with his arm around his sister. I watched as he randomly shot Harry a glare before looking over at me and waving.

The ride soon came to a stop and they all slowly began getting down. I stood up to make some space for the kids to sit but bumped into a random guy. He mumbled a quick apology and disappeared in the large crowd of people before I had the chance to even blink.

Rolling my eyes, I move all the toys to one side before spotting a scrunched up napkin in the middle of the large pile. I picked it up to thrown it in the trash can but immediately stopped when I noticed pen marks on it.

I'm not ruining this day.

Shoving the napkin into my pocket, the six of them walked over and I burst into a fit of laughter the second I saw their faces. Harry looked traumatised, Emma looked annoyed, Easton looked pleased with himself, Ariana looked sleepy, and last but not least Mason and Val were happily chatting to each other.

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