Chapter 6

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"There's my favourite couple in the whole wide world!" I grinned as I skipped over to Holly and Kade and wrapped my arms around both of them catching them by surprise. The last thing I should be doing right now is taking a day off of study but that's exactly what I'm doing. I decided to dedicate this Thursday to me, myself and I.

"I've not seen you for a good week, how is everything?" Holly asked as I pulled away from the hug and sat down with them at one of the tables in the cafe.

"The usual, drowning in work and nothing else." I sighed as they both rolled their eyes in amusement. "What about you guys, how's football Kade?" I asked as a wide smile made its way to his face.

"It's going great especially since my best friend is the captain." He snorted. "We've got a game right before midterms officially start and I expect everyone to be there. It's the last game of the season." He said with a stern look as I nodded and turned to Holly.

"I love my classes." She grinned. She took up teaching since she wants to be a kindergarten or middle school teacher. It fits her so well because she's very patient, loves kids, and if anyone can be a teacher chasing after thirty snotty kids, it's her. However at the same time she's the type of person to throw a child across the room if it gets too annoying. It's a balance...I think. Kade however it doing business but that's only a side thing if football doesn't go according to plan. Which is most definitely will!

"How's your studying been going?" Kade asked as I shot him a glare.

"No talk about education. Today is my day to relax and stay stress free before I throw myself into eight hour long studying sessions." I said as he put his hands up in defence and nodded.

"We'll let you get it to it, we have classes to go to." He said as we stood up.

We picked up our drinks and I quickly hugged the two of them before letting them go. While they walked over to campus, I turned around and made my way to the mall. I probably should have asked one of my friends to give me a ride, but today is a day just for me. The five minutes I spent with Holly and Kade is irrelevant and I don't even count that as my day.

Skipping across the road, I put my volume on full and hummed along to the song I have playing on repeat. Despite having a very large range of music interest, if I like a song I will listen to it all day everyday till another comes along.

Before I knew it, I was walking in through the large open doors of the mall closest to NYU. There weren't very many people here considering they're all at school or work, but there was a good amount of parents pushing their pushchairs and holding their kids hands.

Walking my way through, I went into every single store in sight. I worked from the front and made my way around. It's been a while since I've been on a shopping spree and I think it's a very well deserved reward.

Walking out of forever 21, I felt my phone buzz just once as my entire left arm was covered in shopping bags and half of my right arm. I didn't entirely spend money on myself, I simply bought anything that caught my eye be it for myself or someone else. I've spent around two hours at the mall, and I'm almost three quarters around.

I bought a each of the girls their own make up set along with two other ones to keep at mine and Mason's place, and also back home incase they forget theirs. I bought the twins a jersey each of their favourite player, LeBron James number six and Tom Brady's number twelve. I got Easton a box filled with firemen, fire trucks, police men, police cars, and a bunch of trucks. Lastly I got Kai a stuffed monkey so he can have his very own Mr Bananas. Yes, I still have Mr and Mrs Bananas and they sleep on their very own bed in our room.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I immediately smiled at the name on my screen as I unlocked my phone and opened the messages app.

I know you're shopping, so make sure
you buy a gorgeous new dress for our
date tonight. - Mason

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