Chapter 24

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The kids and I had an absolute blast. Right after the park the kids decided to get started on decorating their cupcakes. I helped the girls make their frosting since the boys decided they needed no help and could do it by themselves. I'm pretty sure they regretted the moment they saw how fluffy our buttercream was and how runny theirs was. They tried on multiple accounts to try and steal ours from the refrigerator, but once I put it on the top shelf it was over for them.

Kai was soon down for his nap a couple hours after the park and I almost instantly missed cuddling him. When I have kids, they won't be put down for a second. I'll be cuddling them all day and all night till I can't any longer.

Anyway, as predicted the kids had all eaten their cupcakes moments after they were done decorating. I was lucky enough to get a couple pictures of them but soon after they were all gone. I'm not too sure what exactly the boys did with their icing, but the green slimy looking mess was not appetising at all. They ended up dumping their cupcakes in the trash when they thought I wasn't looking.

I ended up ordering nuggets, fries, and pizza despite having a bunch of ingredients to make whatever else their hearts desired. They opted for the more safe yet delicious option instead. I mean, it didn't save me cooking and washing up but I wanted to try a new recipe I learnt. I guess I'll be torturing Mason with it instead.

After they had all eaten, they all decided to play with the games I had gotten them. I got a jewellery maker for the girls, while the boys only wanted to play on Mason's PlayStation. It was slightly difficult to get Easton to sit in once place considering he wanted to do both, but once his sister got him sat down for a make over, it was over for him.

The entire twenty four hours the kids were with me, I felt nothing less than their parent. I genuinely felt as though each of these kids were mine and it was just another normal day.

The best part of my entire day was putting them all to bed. The seven of them comfortably fit in Mason and I's king size bed meaning Kai and I slept in the living room. Though I wasn't complaining, the couches were just as comfortable as another bed.

I had Aiden drop off Kai's little cot he usually sleeps in and so he couldn't care less if he was in the bedroom or in the living room.

Each of the kids had their own stories they wanted me to read, and as the perfect temporary parent I am, I made sure to read every single one till they were all knocked out cold. Miles, Hayden, and Hudson slept on the end of the bed with the four little devils sleeping in the middle.

For the first time in the last week I felt so relaxed it was unreal. I felt myself slowly unwinding and before I knew it I was fast asleep. It didn't last very long since Kai decided to wake me up barely a couple hours later for a diaper change. I guess the nights really are the worse when you have a baby.

For the tenth time that night my eyes flew open at the sound of my phone buzzing. Realising it was my phone and not Kai, I relaxed back into the couch and quickly checked on Kai. He's fast asleep, thank god.

"Hello?" I mumbled as I answered the phone and held it up against my ear. All I want to do is go back to sleep, but considering it's just a little after seven in the morning, I doubt I will. "Hello?" I spoke once again when I didn't get a response.

Moving my phone away from my ear, I checked the caller ID to see who it was. 'No Caller ID' was displayed across the screen instantly making my blood run cold.

"Well whoever you are, go do something better with your life than calling me and just breathing!" I snapped as I hung up and tossed my phone onto the other couch. 

I only got two more calls after the day we went to the restaurant and it was the exact same thing. I spoke, I got no response, and all I could hear was breathing. Yes, I get it you're alive. Congrats.

A Blooming Rose Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon