Chapter 18

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The last week has been a dream. A pure dream. Mason and I have not once left the apartment unless it's Mason leaving at five in the morning to go to the gym. We've ordered take out for half the days and cooked ourselves for the other half. It's just been me and him for a solid week. No friends, no family, no third wheeling Harry. I'm not saying I hate their company, but I love spending time with just Mason. It feels so much different.

Dad has quite literally banned me from visiting till it's the twins birthday. According to him he's had enough of seeing my face for the rest of his life, however we both know how false that statement is. I still decided to give him an Everly free zone for a week before I completely smother him.

I've made sure to call home twice a day so I can put my own mind at ease knowing he's okay. The kids have been over a lot more since dad came home from the hospital because they've all made the joint decision to nurse him back to health. They took Aiden shopping and bought themselves little stethoscopes, doctors bags, and a white coat, they even bought Kai a doctor onesie that has a stethoscope printed on it! The six of them quite literally run around the house dressed as doctors.

"Yes I'll be picking the cakes up myself." Mason responded to the lady on the phone who we asked to make the twins cakes. "Thank you, bye." He said before hanging up.

"Twelve hours away!" I squealed in excitement as Mason chuckled.

Mason and I are currently on our way to dads house where the party is going to be held and I'm not sure whose more excited. Mom called me just a little while ago telling me both my parcels had arrived, aka the Barbie dream house for Emmy, the paw patrol headquarters set for East, and also the red car for East. What I didn't know was that Mason placed an order for a violet car for Emmy. I definitely would have gotten her one too but I didn't think she'd be very interested in driving it. According to Mason, he made her watch F1 with him and her love for cars immediately blossomed. Sources have confirmed that she convinced dad to take her in his Aston Martin, the car he rarely ever drives.

"I can't believe they're four, I remember the day they were born." I sniffled as Mason passed me the tissue box he has in his car for these random emotional episodes.


"Breathe, okay? You've got this Rach, you'll have two beautiful babies in your arms by the end of today." I said calmly as I held her hand whine the nurse wheeled her to a room.

Rachel was showing me around the nursery the boys had done up while everyone was out. She excused herself to go to the restroom, but seconds later I heard her scream. My blood ran cold and I immediately thought I'd the worst possible situation.

I rushed over to the bathroom and saw her standing over a puddle of liquid a couple feet away.

"Your water broke."

"My water broke."

The two of us whispered at the same time as she looked up from the puddle and at me before we both started screaming. The only difference was that I screamed from excitement while she screamed because of her nerves.

"Okay, we're going to get you to the hospital." I said as I tossed her a couple of towels, a new pair of pants and underwear, before running into the babies room.

I picked up the hospital bag, Rachel's car keys that haven't been put to use in the last three months, a pair of her sliders, and both our phones. Once I had everything, I ran back out of the room to see her standing over the sink taking in deep breaths.

"We're going to walk out of that door, and you'll come home a family of four." I said softly as she looked up at me with a wide smile, tears streaming down her cheeks for pure joy. I hope.

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