Chapter 23

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The boys have officially left for their two week vacation. Yes, two weeks! Originally they had only planned a week however Noah decided they should spend a week in Miami and another in Las Vegas. At first the girls and I were extremely hesitant on letting them go to a place where clubbing is an all day and night thing, but we soon got over it and decided they have have their boys holiday.

The girls and I were supposed to plan something of our own, but in the end we decided to spend time with our families instead. They haven't seen very much of us and so I'm pretty sure they'll enjoy having us back. I think.

The girls had gone together yesterday and tried to get me to tag along, but I decided to have all the kids over for a sleepover. They were supposed to be with both Mason and I the day after Elijah was over, but both sets of twins were sick and so I rescheduled it for today.

I know Mason is going to most definitely bite my head off for doing this without him, but that just earns me some more brownie points. It's an unspoken competition between Mason and I to win over the kids and be their favourite. It mainly works in their favour because they just about get anything and everything their hearts desire.

Mason had left his car with me but considering I have eight kids and only four seats, I don't think I'll be using it. Besides, I spent the weekend buying just about everything we would need.

"I've texted you Kai's feeding and napping schedule, let me know if you need anything I'm one call away." Hayley said as she placed Kai's car seat down on the floor as he slept soundly.

"Thank you for doing this." Cassidy sighed as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me as tight as she possibly could.

"No problem Cass." I laughed as she pulled away from the hug and kneeled down in front of her girls.

"You really are a star." Hayley smiled as she hugged me soon followed by Rachel.

"You can pick them all up tomorrow morning. I don't want to see any of you before then." I told the three mothers standing in front of me as they hugged their eager kids goodbye.

"Bye love, make sure you call us if you need anything at all." Rachel said as I nodded and watched the three of them walk out.

Picking up the kids bags, I put them away in my study room before gently taking Kai out of his car seat. The kids had settled themselves on the couch and helped themselves to the bowl of popcorn while watching iron man 3. Yes, I made it a mission to make all these kids just as obsessed with Marvel as I am.

I carried Kai into my bedroom and tucked him in the middle of the bed. I then surrounded him with cushions in case he rolls over and switched on the nightlight. After setting up the baby monitor, I kept one with me and made my way back into the lounge.

"Okay kids, did you guys have breakfast yet?" I asked as they nodded their heads and munched on the popcorn, giving the TV their undivided attention. "I guess I bought all this cake mix for no reason." I sighed as their heads snapped over in my direction.

They placed the popcorn bowl on the coffee table and all seven of them ran over to me. I helped all the kids put on their aprons while the three ten year olds claimed to be old enough to help themselves.

I made sure to take a bunch of pictures of them before helping them reach the sink so they could wash their hands. I got a bunch of different cupcake decorations so they could decorate them however they wished. I had Barbie, frozen, Cars, Avengers, Tangled, minions, and whatever else I could see.

Easton decided to join the boys and make this a cooking competition on who could make the best cupcakes. Their parents being the judges at the end of the day. That's if there's any left.

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