Chapter 62

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"Come on boys, get moving!" I said as I clapped my hands and sat back in my chair with the door to the nursery wide open.

My brothers and Harry have come over to help us with the whole nursery set up since I've been paranoid that the babies will come early and won't have anywhere to sleep. They could sleep in our bed but I'm convinced Mason will end up flattening them like pancakes.

"I'm going to stab your eyes out with this screw driver." Aiden yelled as I rolled my eyes and sipped on my milkshake.

Mason and Aiden are doing one crib while Elijah, Austin, and Harry are doing the other. They just about finished painting and decided to build the cribs while the paint dried. We, well I, decided to have the walls painted white only because I couldn't think of any other neutral colour that would go perfectly with the furniture. At first I thought of doing it sage green, however I just know my girl isn't a green person so we went safe with white. Everything else will definitely add the missing colour. 

While the guys were at work, I made my way to the kitchen and put together a snack tray. It's rare times like this when I'm a nice and caring sister. I put a bunch of drinks and snacks before carrying it back to the nursery.

They all mumbled a quick thanks and continued working as I put the tray down on a stool and made my way to the living room. After the house had gotten broken in to, Elijah and his team discreetly scanned the place and found a couple mics stashed in between the couches and in the kitchen. Thankfully enough, there were no cameras.

We made sure to leave the mics where they were and sat down in the living room to come up with a 'plan'. The whole idea itself was actually hilarious and it took everything in me to not laugh. Our 'plan' was that Elijah and his team have got a lead on Jake and are close to busting his butt. Not only will that throw him off and confuse him, it'll force him to make rash decisions and give himself up. Elijah and his team do in fact have leads, but they haven't told us what exactly they were since we have our apartment bugged.

It's been almost two weeks since the 'break in' and I finally got to remove the mics. Mason and I had been texting each other all day everyday when needed, or we'd switch on the shower to actually speak.

"The cribs are all done!" Austin yelled from the nursery as I finished vacuuming and rushed over to have a look.

The two white cribs were stood together in the middle of the room while the paint dried and they looked so pretty. I felt my eyes burn with tears just thinking of my two babies sleeping in those cribs. Watching everything get put together is only making me more emotional but also making it more real.

"Thank you guys." I sniffled as I ran my hand over the wood. "I'm surprised it didn't take you days." I joked as the five of them rolled their eyes and ate the snacks I had put out for them.

"We'll let the paint dry and do the rest tomorrow." Austin yawned. It's only two in the afternoon, how is he already tired?

"Are you guys hungry? I can make something." I asked as my brothers shook their heads while Mason and Harry nodded.

"We've got to get going anyway, we'll see you tomorrow doll." Elijah said as he hugged me and fist bumped my belly before grabbing his things.

Aiden and Austin hugged me next and fist bumped my belly before following Elijah out the door. Looking around the room once again, I smiled just envisioning how everything is going to be once it's all set up.

"Ah shit, I have to go. You can feed me another time." Harry said as he kissed my cheek and flipped Mason off before rushing out of our apartment.

"He's seeing someone." I yawned as I made my way out of the nursery and into the kitchen with Mason hot on my tail.

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