Chapter 36

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I stayed on the couch in Harry's apartment and anxiously waited for the both of them to walk through the door. I physically held myself back from calling every second. My eyes have quite literally been glued to the door the entire night.

Harry had sent me a text at around two in the morning telling Mason was fine and that he was with him. He didn't say when they'd be home, or where they were. I sent him a bunch of texts after but he didn't respond to a single one. I hate this. I hate this so much. I just had to go and make things difficult didn't I.

My eyes were burning from staying up the entire night, and the constant buzzing of my phone from the wrong people was making me grow more anxious by the second. Max had called me around an hour after everything happened asking why his team mate came back to the house beaten to a pulp. It sounded so silly and he most definitely told me how stupid I was for not being straight up with him.

I know it's my fault. Mason's stitches properly ripped from hitting the guy and I don't think either of them decided to come home and take his medication before leaving again. I was fighting to keep my eyes open but they were growing more tired by the second. Just as I gave in and let them close, the sound of the door opening woke me up and I was up within seconds.

Harry came walking in alone. He's alone.

"Where's Mason?" I asked. My voice sounded horrible, it was all croaky and disgusting.

He didn't respond, instead he walked over to me and gently made me sit down with his hands on my arms. Sitting in front of me he looked as though he was trying to think of the right thing to say.

"I know you never would, I really do. You're like a sister to me and even a blind person can see how much you love Mason. But I'm going to ask anyway." He said as I nodded and waited for him to speak. "Did you cheat on him? Please don't lie to me." He gulped as I ran a hand through my hair and sat back into the couch.

"I didn't, Harry. I swear it's just a really big misunderstanding." I said as I let out a shaky breath.

"He's at home, I just about got him to take his medicine with a sneaky sleeping pill." He said as he stood up from the couch.

"He's not hurt is he?" I asked.

"He's not, don't worry. I know you've been up all night, get some sleep and then speak to him." He said as I nodded and got up to leave. "What happened?" He asked as he grabbed my arm, stopping me from going.

"It's really bad, Harry." I said as I felt my throat close up along with tears burning my eyes. "Like really bad." I laughed as the tears fell from my eyes before I had the chance to get rid of them.

"You can tell him anything, you know that. He's always had a bad temper, but with you it's like he's the most patient and calm person ever. But at the same time with you he has the shortest temper. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true." He said as he pulled me to his chest and stroked the back of my head. "And you can tell me anything too, you know that right?" He said softly as I nodded and pulled away.

"His dads back." I whispered as his eyes widened in shock. The shock was there for a good couple of seconds before the anger hit. "Max and Elijah are the only other two that know." I sighed as he took a couple steps back and threw the glass of water at the wall. I flinched as it shattered into a million little pieces.

"How the fuck?!" He yelled as I bit my lip.

"He's the one that's been sending me letters and calling me. He's the reason Mason got shot." I told him.

"You have to tell him. Why didn't you tell him?!" He asked in disbelief as I shook my head.

"You know how he's like and you said it yourself. He has a really bad temper. If I told him that good for nothing man that calls himself his dad is basically out to get him, he'll go crazy. He's just got shot Harry, I want him to get a little better before anything happens." I told him as he opened his mouth to say something but didn't. He let out a big breath and nodded.

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