Chapter 42

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Pregnancy is a beautiful experience. It's something I always wondered around when I lay in bed unable to speak. I always thought about my future, how I'd be married to the love of my life, when I'd be pregnant he'd take care of me, how we'd have kids. But what I didn't think about was the sleepless nights, alone.

Mason's been awake all hours of the night with me as the morning sickness, that isn't morning sickness but 24/7 sickness, keeps me up. The exhaustion was bound to catch up to him and he's been knocked out for the last twelve hours.

He's been running around getting me everything I need, leaving class early to come get me from mine all the way on the other side of campus, staying up with me when I can't sleep, and everything else under the sun.

What was supposed to be an hour nap, turned into Mason's bedtime. He knocked out at five in the afternoon and it's currently five in the morning. I've just crawled out of the bathroom as helpless as can be and laid on the soft carpet.

His alarm should be going off in a bit and all I want to do is stay home and sleep. Theres no point though since I know sleep won't happen. I know I'll still be getting up every ten minutes to throw up whatever is left in my empty stomach.

"Morning, my love." Mason mumbled as I crawled under the covers and snuggled into his chest. Tears instantly sprung to my eyes for a reason that's unknown to me.

"Morning." I whispered as I closed my eyes so he can't see.

"How did you sleep?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me while I rest my head on his chest, listening to his slow and steady heartbeat.

"Good." I lied.

"The truth?" He asked as I sighed and rolled my eyes. I can't seem to slip anything past him.

"I didn't." I sniffled as he pulled me away from him and put his finger under my chin, lifting my face up.

"I'm sorry, I should've stayed awake with you." He frowned as I shook my head and wiped my eyes.

"No, it's fine okay? Go to the gym, I'll see you when you get back." I said as I kissed his cheek and attempted to push him out of the bed.

"I can skip for today?" He suggested as I instantly shook his head. He never skips gym, no matter what. It's why he goes so early in the morning because he knows he has nothing to do.

"Don't skip because of me, I'll be fine for an hour." I reassured him as he thought about it for a couple seconds before nodding.

"Try get some sleep." He said as he kissed the top of my head before rolling out of bed.

He made his way to the bathroom while I cuddled with his pillow and closed my eyes. We're only two months and a week in and I'm absolutely drained. The morning sickness was supposed to ease off a little but instead it's getting so much more worse.

I'm surprised I ended up falling asleep considering I was wide away all hours of the night. Though I'm not surprised that I was awake half an hour later, hunched over the toilet, puking my guts out.

I just want to sleep, is that too much to ask for?

Getting up off the floor, I held myself up using the counter and stared at myself in the large mirror. My face was paler than usual and my cheeks were hollow. It's visibly obviously that I've lost a lot of weight but I know I'll make it all back in the coming months.

Sighing, I brushed my teeth for the millionth time in the last twelve hours, and made my way to the kitchen. I opened up the freezer and pulled out my last tub of cookies and crème ice cream before sitting on the couch. I switched on 'the bee movie' and began eating.

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