Chapter 9

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Sitting on the floor just outside the room where I'd be taking my first midterm of the year. Mason and Max are stood opposite me holding back their laughs while Mia has a comforting arm wrapped around my shoulder. I've got approximately three minutes before I need to go inside.

"Max if you don't shut up I'll make sure to see your mouth shut." Mia glared as Max immediately stopped talking. "Don't worry Ev, you got this." She said in a softer tone as I nodded and stood up.

Mason stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my own arms around his torso and closed my eyes while listening to his heart beat. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.

"Okay." I said as I released a deep breath. "I've got this." I shrugged as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Yes you do, you got this baby." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "Top of the class Bambi." He winked as I rolled my eyes in amusement and glanced at the Bambi chain he still wears. The same one I got for his seventeenth birthday.

"You got this kid, we'll be here when you're done." Max said with a thumbs up as he ruffled my hair and took three steps back before I could kick him in the shins.

"Okay, thanks guys." I smiled as they nodded and nudged me over to the door where the last of the students were filing in.

Taking in one last deep breath, I turned to see the three of them giving me a thumbs up as I walked inside and closed the door behind me. The entire room was filled with complete silence, you could quite literally hear a pin drop.

I made my way over to my seat and quickly sat down before picking up my pen. The professor at the front started the timer and off we went. We opened up the paper and began scribbling down anything and everything we possibly could.


Two and a half hours. It's been exactly two hours since I began writing my first answer and now I'm walking towards the front desk, handing in my paper.

The second I walked out of the room, I felt as though I could finally breathe. As promised, the three of them were stood anxiously waiting. A wide smile made its way to my face as I thought back to what I had written and how surprisingly easy the questions were.

Skipping over to them, they immediately began alert before visibly relaxing once she saw the smile on my face.

"Good?" Mason asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Great, phenomenal, exceptional, amazing, and all the above." I squealed as he let out a deep chuckle before letting me go.

"I told you it would be fine." He grinned as Max and Mia hugged me.

"I've got another test in four hours, I'm going home." I said as I kissed his cheek and rushed down the hallway while the three of them laughed.

Mason definitely has class and there's no way I'm making him miss any of it just to keep me company while I totally ignore him so I can study.

It wasn't long before I made it back to our apartment and straight to my study room. I was slightly hesitant to come back considering the shuffling I heard when I went to dads, but we soon discovered that it was Harry's remote control car. He was trying to find it and was driving it about with the control but it ended up moving around here making it sound like the house was possessed.

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