Chapter 39

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It's been a dreadful week but I mean that in the best way possible. Compared to my other dreadful weeks these last couple months, this is like a walk in the park and I'm absolutely living for it. It's been way too long since we heard from Jake or anyone that works for him, the last time anyone even caught wind of him was when he sent the guys to break into our apartment.

It's almost as though we dreamt the whole thing and he never existed. You don't know how much I wish that was actually the case. But I'm more than grateful than grateful that he's backed off. At least for now.

It's been a good couple of weeks believe it or not. We've just about finished the first week of October, and soon enough it'll be Mason and Mia's birthday.

Mason and I ended up moving to the fifteenth floor. The buildings owner felt terrible about what happened and got everything fixed along with letting us move floors. Believe it or not Harry threw in some theatrics and tears and managed to get himself moved too. According to him it was torture seeing his best friend in such pain and agony, and he felt like his life was threatened and could barely get a good nights sleep knowing what happened next door.

Always the drama queen. 

Anyway, the three of us are still neighbours but this time we're on the fifteenth floor. Five floors higher than our previous apartment and I absolutely adore it. The view is so much nicer! 

Tying my hair in a messy bun, I held my head in my hands while my leg nervously bounced up and down. My hearts going to burst out of my chest.

I don't want to see. I really don't want to see and be disappointed. It's been exactly fourteen minutes and I've been contemplating the same thing and can't seem to find an answer. I feel like I need to throw up again.

Without thinking, my eyes snapped open and I instantly looked over at the counter.

Two to three weeks pregnant

Written on the blue and white stick in clear letters.




Two to three weeks pregnant.

I hadn't realised I was screaming till I held up the stick and slapped a hand over my mouth muffling the screams. Thank god Mason's not home right now. I feel dizzy, good dizzy.

I've been constantly throwing up all hours of the morning and the afternoon with some odd nausea in the evening. I've never been so sick in my entire life. The last time I remember throwing up was when I was a little kid, no older than eight maybe. And now, I've been throwing up like there's no tomorrow.

Mason suspected a stomach bug and has been up and awake pretty much the same time as me, holding my hair and rubbing my back. He's been worried out of his mind for the last week and has been trying his absolute best to get me to go see a doctor, but the last couple times I've gone to the doctors haven't been very nice.

At first I suspected I was pregnant, however the only thing that shut that down was the first time I wasn't sick at all. Before the miscarriage I was a month pregnant and during that month I was not sick or even nauseous. I guess it was the nagging feeling in the back of my head yelling at me to go get a pregnancy test, I just didn't want to get my hopes up and watch them crash and burn in front of me.

"I'm home!" Mason yelled as I heard the front door closing.

I slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it before sitting on the floor with the stick in my hand. My hand unconsciously made its way to my stomach and it's almost as though I felt it flutter. As though I can feel something inside me. My eyes burned the longer I stared at the eight words in front of me. Almost as though they'd completely vanish the second I move my eyes. I don't want them to disappear.

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