Chapter 67

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I never believed in evil. Ever since I was a kid, I watched a bunch of cartoons and movies. Every single one of them had the typical hero and the villain, however what I learnt was that the villain wasn't evil for no good reason. For example, in miraculous ladybug and cat noir, Gabriel Agreste is evil because all he wants is his wife back. He's not doing it because it brings him joy, he just wants the love of his life back.

The same way I thought maybe they were decent enough to not harm a pregnant woman. Maybe they're keeping me here long enough to send a message and get whatever they want. I didn't expect to get away bruise free, but the large cuts on my arms and the welts on my back are enough to force me into a corner and cry.

Sure, it's pathetic. I know it is. I'm supposed to be strong for myself and for my babies that are counting on me to protect them. I'm not supposed to break down and cry about it in the corner of a pitch black room.

I groaned in pain as I tried moving my stiff muscles. I've been huddled in the same corner from the moment they left me six hours, twenty nine minutes and twelve seconds ago. Thankfully, they were decent enough to leave my belly alone but that didn't mean my babies weren't distressed. I could feel their panic and restlessness inside me.

I've been fortunate enough to have never experience any sort of abuse growing up, both mentally and physically. Sure we've had our dramatic moments where certain unwanted people make themselves known, but even then I wouldn't count that as any form of abuse. Just...unfortunate circumstances. I've never been hurt like this. My brothers, friends, family, Mason, they've all been there to protect me and to stop anything more than a scratch.

It's pathetic I can't protect myself.

Of course I can throw a good punch, I can break someone's arm, and I know a million and one ways to kill someone, but it's useless when you're heavily pregnant and can barely move without feeling some sort of pain shoot through your body.

Six and a half hours ago Ethan came walking into this room with Scar following right behind him. He zip-tied my hands behind my back before ripping open my shirt leaving me in my vest top. It wasn't till I felt the first whip that I realised what he was doing.

He was going to hurt me more than I've hurt before and come back later on just to top it.

I bit my lip so hard for the entire time he hit me that I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. They both took turns, one hit me with a belt while the other simply stared at my face, laughing. They found this amusing, it was fun for them.

When they pulled the knife out, I felt my heart drop to my belly. My babies were kicking and moving around like crazy, almost as though they could feel my fear. Not for myself, but for them. I genuinely could care less what happened to me, but I knew if anything happen to me it would affect my babies a whole lot more and I'm not prepared for that.

He made a large cut from the top of my shoulder, all the way down to my wrist. My entire arm completely drenched in blood that I can't see the bruises anymore. Every time I felt as though I was going to faint, my brain would shock itself awake with the thought of them returning and doing worse.

When I had thought they were done. When I had thought they were satisfied enough. Ethan roughly lifted my vest top up, resting it just above my belly, and took pictures of everything he did. As though it was something he should be proud of. I knew better than that though, I knew he'd send it to my family, to Mason. He was going to show them what he had done and it would rattle them and throw them off.

"Eat." Scar snarled as he threw the plate on the bed and slammed the door shut.

In through the nose, out through the mouth.

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