Chapter 27

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"We're going on a trip." Mason announced as he dragged both our empty suitcases on the bed, on top of me, while I was enjoying my sleep.

"What?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and looked at him in confusion.

I glanced at the clock to see it's barely eight in the morning, Mason looks as though he just came back from the gym and I might be drooling. Okay fine, I am.

"We." He said moving his finger back at forth between the two of us. "Are going on a trip." He said, holding up our suitcases.

"Why?" I groaned. I just want to stay home is that too much to ask? 

"Because we've got holidays from school and can do whatever the fuck we please." He said as he walked into our closet while I pulled the blanket over my head. "Besides, it'll be nice, it's not like you've got anything better to do." He said as he came back out with his clothes in his arms. There's a reason he's not allowed to pack, he'll grab random clothes that don't go together and throw them into his suitcase.

"Yes I do, I have to sit here and look pretty for my stalker." I shrugged as he shot me a glare and threw a T-shirt at my head.

I put it on and sat up in bed as he burst into a fit of laughter. Narrowing my eyes at him in confusion, he kneeled on the bed and smoothed down my hair. I know for a fact it looks absolutely crazy.

"Come on, my love. Get your cute little ass out of bed." He said as he pulled me up and shoved me towards the bathroom while I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.

I took a quick shower and wrapped my towel around me before walking into our closet. I put on a pair of black jeans and nude corset top before unwrapping my hair from the wet T-shirt. I should probably go comfy considering I have no clue where on earth we're going, or how long it'll take, but I could care less. I look hot.

Walking out of the closet, I watched Mason struggle to zip the suitcase close while I sat in front of my dresser and started fixing my hair.

"You look slightly less ugly." Mason teased as he kissed my cheek and picked up a strand of curly hair.

"You look...meh." I shrugged as I looked him up and down and watched as he rolled his eyes. "I'll finishing packing, can you get a snacks bag?" I asked as he kissed me once more before nodding and leaving the room.

I quickly finished applying my products before plugging in my diffuser. While I was drying my hair, Mason walked back in and gave me a disgusted look while I rolled my eyes. Despite having seen me use it more times than I can count, he still gets weirded out by it and wants to break it. His words not mine.

"Does that not poke holes in your head or some shit?" He said as I switched it off and put it down.

"No Mason, now can you tell me where we're going so I can pack?" I asked as he shook his head with a mischievous look on his face.

"Anything will be perfect." He winked. "Now chop chop, we gotta get on the road." He said as he pulled me up off the chair and dragged me into our closet.

"Okay fine! How long?" I asked as I stared at the large amounts of clothes lined up on the racks in front of me.

"Three days." He said as I raised an eyebrow and nodded.

After packing six outfits perfect for any weather, I silently laughed to myself seeing Mason's overflowing suitcase in front of me. And he has the nerve to always say how I over pack unnecessary things when he had a winter coat in here. A winter coat in August! Unless we're going to the North Pole, I don't think that's necessary.

Putting away the second suitcase, I fit both our things into one large one before pulling it off the bed. Mason came back and pulled the suitcase out of our room while I grabbed my purse and phone. I quickly looked around the room to see if I missed anything before walking out to see Mason typing on his phone while a duffel bag rest on top of the suitcase.

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