Chapter 64

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"Seven months today, love bugs. Can you believe it? You'll be here in just eight weeks! I can't wait to cuddle with the both of you, aside from all the trouble you're going to cause mommy and daddy, I guess we can forgive you both if you cuddle us extra good." I whispered sleepily as I turned the camera to a snoring Mason. "I know you're both having fun in there, and I bet it's like a party, but can you keep it down a little? Mommy needs to sleep or daddy will be in big trouble in the morning." I yawned before blowing a kiss and waving at the camera.

I slowly pulled away from Mason and adjusted my pregnancy pillow. Pregnant or not, every single person alive needs this pillow, it's nonnegotiable. Anyway, I lay on my back an stared at the black ceiling. It's currently 2:00 AM and there's zero sign of me getting any sleep tonight. The twins have not stopped moving and kicking all night and I might just consider...yeah there's nothing I can do.

Considering I've been a night owl all my life, staying up till hours after the sun rises, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I'm waiting for the babies to either go to sleep and stop moving, or for me to get so tired that I just knock out, whichever comes first.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the phone call. It's been just less than two weeks since she called me sounding scared for her life. She hasn't called me back since. Every time I've called the prison hoping to speak to her just so I can get some answers, they tell me she doesn't want to speak to me.

One thing I've stupidly been contemplating is going to visit her. Seven months pregnant, with twins, in a prison, and a hot headed Mason who wouldn't hesitate to snap her neck, not very ideal conditions. I, of course, haven't raised the suggestion to Mason only because I know the answer, however that doesn't stop me from thinking about it. It might just be our only option.

The sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table snapped me out of my thoughts. I picked it up and squinted at the bright screen before unlocking my phone to see a message from Grayson.

Hi Everly, dad said he'd love to talk to you
later today at around lunch time. Is that okay with you?
- Grayson

Why is he awake right now?

Hi Grayson, that's fine with me.
Just let me know the time.
- Everly

Before I could my phone down, my phone buzzed once again.

Great! We'll see you then.
- Grayson

I didn't expect you to be awake lol
- Grayson

Hahaha I was just about to go to sleep.
I'll see you tomorrow, night.
- Everly

Switching my phone off, I put it back to the side and looked back up at the ceiling. 

Another thing that's been bothering me is this whole G's situation, the five G's. Well, I shouldn't count Gordon in there since he's only a kid, but still. The entire situation with them has confused me.

I saw Gabe almost every single day for two years and not once did he attempt to speak to me or get to know me. Fair enough, he may be shy and the circumstances weren't ideal, but surely he would have told his brother about me and confronted me with him. I know he said he didn't want to scare me away and all he's wanted was to get close to his family even if it's through friendship, but I still can't help but feel as though something is off. 

First Gordon was bullying the twins, then I 'bumped into' Grace a million and one times, then Gabe starts to finally acknowledge me after my attempts to be his friend, and then Grayson comes along.

I hadn't realised the babies were done with their party till the exhaustion had caught up to me. It wasn't till the bright ray of sunlight beaming in through the gaps in our blinds that I realised it was already morning. Another reason I miss winter, the annoyingly early mornings where the sunrises when it's still sleep time.

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