Chapter 46

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I've been contemplating the same thing for the last half an hour and I'm surprised I even went this long. I feel like a creep, staring at his face for this long but I can't help it. Waking him up right now is a must, it's not even an option at this point. Even if it's 3:26 AM.

"What's up?" He sleepily mumbled as I jumped in surprised and placed a hand over my racing heart. How?!

"Oh erm nothing." I gulped as I bit my lip. That was my chance to tell him and I foolishly dismissed it. Stupid.

"Cmon somethings up. Do you need anything? Are you in pain?" He asked as he turned to face me with his eyes half closed.

"No, but can's fine." I whispered as he opened his eyes wider and played with my hair.

"What is it, love? Tell me." He asked more persistently.

"There aren't any more pears and Nutella." I whispered as he sat up straight and got out of bed.

"I'll be back in ten, yeah?" He said as a wide smile made its way to my face. Kissing my forehead, he made his way to the bathroom while I slipped on my sliders.

Just as he came out, he looked at me in confusion but simply shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his keys from the night stand before taking my hand in his. We made our way out of our apartment and down to the parking lot. They entire building was absolutely dead and I'm pretty sure we're the only ones awake right now. I mean, it is three in the morning.

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I leaned my head on my knees and stared out the window. Watching the large, lit up buildings zoom by. The world feels peaceful, very very peaceful. Sometimes I just want to go on long drives while staring out of the window in complete silence, late at night. It sounds funny and a little silly, but that's what I imagine real peace to be like.

It wasn't long till we got to the twenty four hour grocery store and parked the car in the fairly empty parking lot. There were only a handful of cars parked up front and I'm guessing they belong to employees that work the night shift. Opening my door, Mason took my hand and lead us inside. There was absolutely no one inside except for the handful of workers stocking up shelves.

We made our way to the fruit aisle and Mason quite literally let me run free while he slowly trailed behind me with a basket. I've been craving fruit like there's no tomorrow, I expected something weird like pickles and jam or something  that I see on Instagram and TikTok, but surprisingly enough there haven't been any weird cravings at all.

I ended up grabbing a couple of everything before skipping into the chocolates and candy aisle. I swear my heart almost fell out of my chest when I stared at the long aisle full of sweet treats.

"Are you alright?" Mason chuckled as I rapidly nodded my head and scanned the aisle.

Picking up my favourites along with a bunch of things that looked nice, I dumped it all in the basket Mason was carrying before skipping over to the freezer.

"Oh wait, is that heavy?" I asked as I spun around to see Mason carrying the full basket with ease.

"Really? Heavy?" He scoffed while doing bicep curls with the basket. I rolled my eyes and opened up the freezer. Cocky much?

I grabbed my usual, cookies and crème, and also the strawberry and white chocolate ice cream. It looks delicious I can't help myself.

"Do you want anything?" I asked Mason as he simply picked up a small tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and put it in the basket.

"Is that all?" He asked as he held up the over flowing basket.

"Erm, I need chocolate milk but yep that's it." I grinned as I walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the chocolate brownie milk. I could drink it all in one sitting which is why I need to get two. "I'm guessing it adds up to eighty four dollars." I said as we made our way over to the cash register.

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