Chapter 43

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"Miss Carter, are you okay?" Dr Evans asked as I walked past his desk to leave the class. "You've been absent in a lot of my classes and others too." He said as he pulled his glasses off.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "I just haven't been feeling too good." I said as I instinctively put a hand over my tummy. "I'm all caught up with work if that's what you're worried about." I reassured him as he shook his head.

"I'm not, I know you're a hard working student. You've got a month and a half left till finals. I hope you're ready." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes at the thought of all the extra work I'll need to do to be ready to even look at it.

"Hopefully." I sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled as he nodded and turned back to his computer.

Walking out of class, Mason was stood right next to the door typing on his phone. Linking my arm through his, he kissed the top of my head before putting his phone away.

"How'd you know it's me? What if I were a random girl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as he stopped walking and put his finger under my chin lifting my face up.

"If I were in a room with hundreds of people, with my eyes closed and ears covered, I'd still know it's you." He said before pecking my lips.

My cheeks burned bright red as I rolled my eyes.

"You always know what to say." I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I just don't lie." He winked as my cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

Every time I'm around Mason, I feel as though he makes me fall in love with him all over again. He knows all the right things to say, he knows all the right things to do, he's never given me an excuse to question him. He makes me feel as though I'm the only girl in the world and everyone else is just background noise.

"Why're you crying?" He said as we stopped walking and stood in the middle of the hallway.

"I just really love you." I sniffled as he laughed and wiped my eyes.

"Yeah but I only kinda like you." He winked as I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.

Walking out of the building, we started walking with no destination in mind. Since we have twenty minutes left till our next class, there's no point going anywhere really.

While we walked around the large fountain, I felt someone grab a hold of my wrist. My hold on Mason tightened as I pulled my wrist away from their grip and turned around.

Grace and Graham. What is it with all the G's? Graham, Grace, Gordon, Gabe, Grayson. I wouldn't be surprised if Grayson and Gabe were also related to them in some way.

"Can I help you?" Mason asked as he moved me behind him.

"I...I wanted to apologise." Graham sighed. "I've known about you and your brothers since the day Ben was born but I never interfered. I never made myself known because David and I never got along. He was always the favourite despite being such a failure, the attention always got to his head so our parents always just spoon fed him everything." He started but I instantly shook my head.

"You don't have a right to barge into our lives now. It's been forty years since they were married, and twenty since I was born. If you really wanted to you would have. We don't need you coming and destroying the peace." I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I know it was a mistake, I couldn't help myself though. My sons have asked since the day they could speak if they ever had any other family excluding Grace's. I guess I just felt guilty." He said with an apologetic smile.

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