Chapter 28

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Our three day getaway to a place an hour and a half away was exactly what I needed, what we needed. We came home and it felt as though everything was perfect in the world. Away from all the drama for just three days, from any trouble, just away.

The night we came home we just cuddled in our bed and fell asleep. The sleepless nights were gone the first night we left and thankfully they've stayed that way. I've slept like a baby and I've treasured every moment of it. Not only this, but the calls have been nonexistent, no more creepy 'I can see you' calls or letters. Maybe my stalker found someone else to stalk, though I'm a little hurt. Whose more interesting than I am?

The only thing that's wrong in this moment of time is the sharp pain my stomach, also known as the signs of aunt Flo's visit. I'm exactly two weeks late and these cramps have been killing me from the moment we got back. You know when your period just takes way too long to come and you're just stuck waiting for it? That's my current situation.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Mason asked worriedly as I shook my head. My face scrunched up in pain and I don't think it's a very attractive sight.

"Mhm, go help the boys." I mumbled as I held the hot water bottle closer almost wishing it would just melt right into me. It feels as though that's the only thing that'll make the pain go away.

"I hate leaving you in pain. They'll be fine without me." He said softly as he moved my hair away from my face as I took in a sharp breath. What ghost is stabbing me and why? There really is no explanation as to why my stomach is hurting this bad.

"Mason, Max already won't be there they'll need an extra set of hands." I groaned as he sighed and nodded.

Holly and Mia are currently moving out of their apartment and up to another floor. The entire fifth floor was flooded meaning all the rooms were flooded too. All the residents are moving into empty apartments scattered across the rest of the building till the fifth floor is good as new. The girls got an apartment on the eighteenth floor meaning they're almost at the top. I've never been so jealous in my entire life.

Anyway, the guys have all been tasked with helping the girls move whatever they can and whatever was saved to their new apartment. Max had to drop out last minute since his little sister was sick and his mom was stuck at work.

"Okay, keep your phone right next to you. I need you to call me or text me if it gets worse or if it gets better." He said as I slowly nodded and squeezed my eyes shut. "I really don't want to leave you." He whispered as I shook my head.

"The sooner you go the sooner you come back." I smiled as he hesitantly nodded and kissed the top of my head.

He left our room and I waited to hear the sound of the front door closing so I could quite literally scream. Instead, he came back with a bag full of snacks, a box of heating pads, water, and painkillers. Despite knowing I never take painkillers on my period because I'm a bad b, he still leaves them on the bed side table every single time.

"I'll be back to check on you in an hour." He said as I nodded and watched as he disappeared.

The sound of the front door closing and locking filled my ears, I immediately took that as a sign and let out the loudest groan I could possibly come up with. Whoever said making noises doesn't help with pain is a liar.

This is not the time to be Wonder Woman and bear the pain, just take an Advil and off you go to sleep. I need a good little pep talk because I can't seem to think of anything other my stomach right now. Maybe I should've let Mason stay, but either way what could he do? The poor boy would run away after seeing the state I'm in, though I don't think that's entirely true. He's seen me at my worst and has gone absolutely nowhere. I bet he's a gold digger waiting for me to die so he can inherit all fifty two dollars and ten cents in my account.

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