Chapter 56

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"Hi fiancé. Bye, fiancé. Look at me, fiancé. How does this shirt look ,fiancé? Do you like my shoes, fiancé? How was your day today, fiancé? Did you eat lunch, fiancé?" I grinned as I held my phone against my ear and listened to Mason's laugh.

"Hi fiancé. I can't see you, fiancé. I'm sure your shirt looks gorgeous, fiancé. I'm sure your shoes look great too, fiancé. My days been good, fiancé how has yours been? I did eat lunch, fiancé did you?" He responded as I laughed and closed the apartment door behind me after thanking the delivery guy.

"I'm eating lunch right now, fiancé and my day has been boring fiancé." I responded as I put him on speaker and sat on the floor.

"Shit I have to go to a meeting, I'll talk to you later fiancé." He said.

"I love you fiancé, bye." I quickly said before hanging up.

It's been an entire month since Mason proposed and I feel like I've got this adrenaline rush running through my veins that had no sign of stopping. I haven't stopped smiling, I haven't stopped giggling, I haven't stopped grinning, and most of all I haven't stopped staring at the ring on my finger.

Dad told me Mason went to ask for his permission to marry me four months before my birthday, before we even knew we were pregnant. I did have my doubts that maybe he felt the need to propose because we have a baby on the way and that may have pressurised him somehow. But it felt nice knowing he was thinking about it long before we found out.

The ring is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Holly, Mia and I looked at wedding rings a long while ago. Mia wanted something simple and small, Holly wanted something blingy and eye catching, but I wanted something unique. I didn't want your typical silver band with the diamonds. I wanted something no one has but also beautiful at the same time.

Mason had told me that the ring he really wanted way too expensive to get right now especially since we're still quite young and have a bunch of other things to worry about. I don't quite understand how he saw a ring better than the one he got me, but I prefer this over any other one. We have a baby on the way and a dream house to get started on in the near future and that's all that matters.

Despite having protested every time he mentioned it along with the life threatening threats, he still promised that he'd buy the most extravagant ring he could for me. We'll see about that, I'll drain his bank account so he stays broke and can never buy it.

Mason's choice certainly was beyond perfect, it was something I never knew could even happen. There's no way he walked into a ring shop saw a Tangled inspired ring, picked it up and bought it. He must've gone through months and months of planning and designing to get it this perfect.

The amount of times I slapped myself or pinched myself thinking I'm living one big dream is unreal. Every single morning, the very moment I wake up, I turned to the ring dish sitting on my bedside table to see if the ring is really there. As though one day I'll actually wake up and it won't be there, and that it was genuinely one big dream.

Holly and Mia came over the next day with their laptop and cameras and showed me every single picture they had taken. I thought they were kidding when they said Mason had them take photography lessons because he didn't trust a professional to come and take pictures in case they were a fraud and ended up killing us. I have those pictures framed and also printed out and put into our photo album.

The girls knew for months before me and did the best job at hiding it too. The pictures they showed me were absolutely phenomenal. Max had recorded a video from the moment Mason walked in and I burst into tears every single time I look at it.

They captured the moment Mason dropped on one knee, they captured the moment where I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck, they captured the moment where he slipped the ring on my finger, they captured the moment he picked me up and kissed me like I've never been kissed before, they captured the moment he spun me around with the widest grin on his face, and they captured the moment all my friends and family came out to congratulate us.

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