Redney (Continued)

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??? P.O.V

Black clouded my vision for who knows how long but once I regained some of my life back I was blinded by a bright light. I squinted at the sudden change in light and flinched. Some of my senses were coming back to me, slowly but surely. I felt stiff and unable to move, every body part ached with pain or tiredness. I finally got my sight back and I'm . . . In a hospital? Oh, right, the crash. Fuck. . . I bet everyone is mad at me for missing work, especially Barney, he never likes it when I'm late or absent. Just then my phone when off from the bedside table. The screen was totally shattered, I'm surprised it still works. I tried to pick it up but it hurt to much to move my arms. The phone then stopped and when to voicemail. I sighed and waited, after a few seconds I told Siri, in a very tired, weak voice to play the message.

It was Barney. The message was short and filled with worry. I started to tear up. "I'm sorry Barney..." Just then a nurse came in walking to my side. She was very beautiful with long brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. She also had thick edged purple glasses that suited her nicely. "Hi, I'm Jessica. You must be Red? Correct?" I nodded slightly. "Good, now does your phone work, we want to call someone to tell them that you're okay." I nodded. "Y-yes it works, just call the contact named Barney." She gave a weird look with a small smile on her face as to ask why but thought better of it. "Like the dinosaur?" She said opening my phone.

"Yeah... oh! And he has an accent and might be a little hard to understand so be warned." Jessica smiled and nodded. "Him?" She showed me the picture he had as his contact picture. I smiled at it for a second before nodding. She then pressed call and waited. Not even a second later she started talking. "Hello? Yes, is this a friend of Red ______?" I could hear seconds of Barneys accent through the phone. "Yes, calm down please. He's just as Blue Banner Hospital..... okay thank you." The phone then beeped, signaling that the call ended. "Whoa... he's something alright." She said putting the phone back. "Yeah.... that's my Barney." She looked at me wide eyed. "You guys are dating?" She said shocked. "Y-yeah we are..." She smiled brightly. 'If that is not the cutest thing ever then I don't know what is!" She squealed. I laughed. "Well thank you, means a lot."

Third P.O.V

Adam and Jin walked in the hallway, just after lunch, talking about the trip. Both were disappointed that they had to postpone it for about a week. Suddenly Barney came busting out of his room, keys in hand and running to the front door, nothing else on his mind. Adam and Jin gave each other confused looks before running after him. Barney soon got to the stairs and jumped them completely. Jin and Adam ran down two at a time, Jin nearly tripping. Barney then ran to his car and got in the drivers seat. As he was putting the keys in the ignition the passenger side door opened as well as the left back one. Adam slid in the passenger side as Jin got in the back. "So? Where we going?" Adam said happily. "To Reds." Barney said quickly and with out emotion as he pulled out of the parking space.

Red lay in the hospital bed trying to remember what the crash was like. Pain was all he could think of. Flashes of white lights and the shattering sound of glass filled his ears. Red flickered open his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Bandages covered most of his body, all along his arms, on his left leg and over his right eye. His head was wrapped as well as his rib-cage and back. Being crushed by your own car isn't fun.Red closed his eye once more and sighed.

Barney got to the hospital in under five minutes, new record. They all got out of the car as Barney stuffed the keys in his pocket. All three of them bust through the door, earning very strange looks from the people in the lobby, but did they care, no. They went on to the second floor to ask the lady. On the ride up Adam and Jin managed to calm Barney down so they didn't draw attention to themselves. The three then walked up to the lady at the desk. She had bright blue eyes and blonde hair that was up in a ponytail. "Hi! How may I help you?" She asked "Yes I needs to see Reds ____ please." Barney said trying to keep his voice steady. She smiled and nodded, typing stuff on the computer. "Yes he's in room 103 on the fourth floor." The lady said with a smile. "Thanks yous." Barney said gratefully as he walked to the elevator. Adam and Jin followed him. Barneys eyes were filled with worry as he rung his hands together.

"Barney Im sure hes fine..." Jin started to say but Barney cut him over very quickly. "If he was okays then he woulds be with us at the office!" He snapped, at him. "Hey! Don't yell at him! He didn't do anything wrong!" Adam said getting defensive as Jin shrunk back in fear. Barney glared at him sharply and Adam only glared back. The elevator then opened and the anger left Barneys system and was replaced with fear. He then zipped past many doors with the two man on his heels. Just as he passed room 100 a lady with long brown hair came out of 103, Barney nearly running into her. "Oh Ims so sorrys." He said breathing heavily. "Oh its okay- Oh! Are you Barney?" She asked fixing her purple glasses. "Uhhh yeahs I am." He said, his mood dropping, not really wanting to meet a fan right now. "You here for Red?" His mood perked up. "Y-Yeahs!" The girl laughed. "Please wait a second."

She then walked back into the room. Barney sat down in the nearest chair to the door. A few minutes later the lady walked back out. "Only one visitor can see him right now." Both Adam and Jin looked towards Barney as he stood up. She nodded and smiled but before she opened the door wider, "Please be gentle with him. He is very fragile still." Barney nodded as she opened the door. Barney was very nervous to see him, but no matter what he would still love him . "Barney?" A weak voice rang through. Barney then ran over to the bedside to see his lover. Bandages everywhere. There were some over his forehead and his left eye. "Reds..." Barney said sadly lightly touching the bandages along his arms. "Barney.." Red said with a small smile.

Tears filled Barneys eyes as he looked all over Reds body. "Im so s-sorrys..." He said trying to overcome a sob. "Its not your fault Barney... it was an accident."Barney then broke down and let tears fell down his face. Red then lifted his arms and hugged Barney around the neck, letting silent tears fall down out of his one eye. Minutes were spent with the two close to each other with silent tears and a few broken unwanted sobs escaped the mouth of both of them. Barney then pulled away slightly and looked at Red. He then placed his hand on his left cheek. Red then leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. The kiss was sweet and passionate.

"OMG! That is so cute!" Squealed a small voice. They both broke and looked towards the end of the bed. There stood Jessica clutching the side of her white outfit with a huge smile on her face. Barney smiled slightly and kissed Red on his not bandaged cheek and pulled away so he wasn't hovering over the bed. Red then relaxed and sat back into the pillow, smiling like a dork. Then Adam and Jin came through the door smiling but worry filled their eyes. "Red are you okay?" Adam asked. "Red nodded and smiled. "Yeah, stupid car crash..." He said with a chuckle.

Many minutes passed talking about the crash and how grateful they were that he was alive. "So he should be able to leave in about three days but we need to make sure that everything is okay and should heal right." Jessica said to all four men. They all nodded. They continued to talk as Jessica left to do some other things. It was starting to grow dark outside once Jessica came back in. "Okay I am sorry but Red does need to get to bed. Sleep is the best medicine." She said sweetly.

Adam and Jin nodded as they started to head to the door. "Barney, you coming?" Adam said looking back into the white room. Barney had taken a seat in the large chair. "Whats? Oh no, I'm staying here." All three guys looked at him, confused. "Why?" Red asked. "Cause I'm not leaving you, that's why." Barney said roughly like it was a obvious question. "Okay, so umm, videos tomorrow?" Adam asked. "With four people out, we cant do much." Barney sighed. "Just vlog or uploads some of the videos Max had times to edit." Both nodded and left with Jessica.

"You didn't have to stay." Red said, thankful. "But I wanted to, okays? I'm not leavings yous again." Red smiled gratefully. "Thank you Barney. I love you." Red said slipping off to sleep. Barney smiled. "I loves yous too Reds." Barney said getting comfortable in the chair, soon falling into a light sleep.

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