Mithross: Time is Ticking

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Everyone is bound to meet their soul mate but at what time? That'd were these watches come in. Everyone is given a gray watch that doesn't tell time but rather counts down to when you meet the love of your life. Sometimes it's minutes sometimes it's decades, only fate can decide.

Ross's P.O.V

Today was the day! I don't normally check the gray watch on my wrist but with a glance I saw that I would be meeting my soul mate in just a few hours. I sat in the front of the car while Max drove and Tim sat in the back. "This is it! Isn't this exciting Max!" I yelled shaking his shoulder. "Ross you do that again and I will purposely crash us into another car!" Max yelled. I laughed, knowing that he didn't mean it. "Just a few more hours..." I whispered.

Max's P.O.V

Once at work Barney sent me to the store with Tim for the smoothie challenge. "This is stupid..." I said picking out some donuts. "Yeah..." Tim agreed. "Wait!'re watch." Tim said looking at it. I never gave it much thought, never found it important cause when I found the love of my life, I would know. They would be kind, funny, and absolutely adorable. And of course someone I didn't know....I don't know...that's just fate. You don't fall in love with people you know, their just friends.

Ross's P.O.V

All through out the day I couldn't stop looking at my watch. "Hey Ross, want to go to lunch?" Adam asked. I nodded excitedly. 'I'm going to meet my true love!' I thought happily as we started our walk to the mall. "We're meeting Max and Tim there." Adam stated. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as we got closer. "Just three more minutes..." I whispered.

Third P.O.V

"What's so specials about seeings this persons?" Barney asked. He wasn't going to meet his love in a few years. Ross looked at him amazed. "It's only just the best feeling of your life!" He said taking a few steps forward. "It's like floating on clouds but feeling like a warm blanket is around you."

Ross faced them, walking backwards. He glanced at his watch again. One minute. "It's just the best! Like... oh I can't explain it! It's ama- ahh!" Ross said loudly, he had walked right into someone. He landed on the ground with a thud, as well as the other person. "Oh I'm so sorry I-Max?" Ross asked as he turned around. He then burst out laughing. "I'm sorry.." Max said laughing with him. "Hey you guys clean up, we're getting lunch." Adam said. Max and Ross nodded as they left. "I'm sorry, didn't see you." Ross said picking up the ingredients for the smoothies. "It's fine, no big deal." They picked up many of the items before they both decided to pick up the same thing. Rosss hand lay lightly on Max's. Ross pulled away quickly. "Sorry Max..." He said. Max didn't say anything, he only grabbed Ross's wrist looking at his watch.

The gray watch had turned a gold color and its time said all zeros. Ross gasped as he looked at it. Ross then noticed Max's. "M-Max..." Ross said directing his attention towards his wrist. Max looked down and his eyes widened. He then turned his watch over, just to make sure he was right.

On the underside of the watch, once turning gold, a name of the lover is carved on the uderside of the watch just to avoid confusion. Ross then quickly checked his too. A name that he thought he would never see on his watch stood out at him like snow in summer.

Max Mithzan

Max's eyes widened as the name slowly showed itself through the gold.

Ross Washington

Both looked at their watches in awe. It wasn't bad in their opinion just....strange. After a few minutes they both looked at each other, eyes wide and filled with surprised and shock. "D-Does yours say it?" Ross asked. Max nodded, knowing his voice would fail him. Ross then leaned over and gave Max a light kiss on the lips. Max returned and smiled. Ross broke it soon and pulled back, smiling like a dork. "Let's get back, the guys might be waiting for us." Ross said standing up. Max followed suit and took hold of his hand. Ross blushed but didn't protest as they walked to the guys waiting for them.


I like this I really do. I hope you guys did too.

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