Mithross- Centaurs 2

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Spring break is here baby! Woo! So that means lots and lots of updates! My depression hasn't gone away but that's okay! I hope you all enjoy this long overdue chapter. Co-author: Your_Meaning_Fren



Max yawned as he walked into the cave he shared with the other two centaurs. The babies that were born earlier in the day were absolutely adorable, even to the harsh ginger.

They were defiantly Barney's because of their color. In the past the clan was made up of wild centaurs whose ancestors roamed the plains but, about a hundred years ago people started getting closer to their territory. With people come bad results and Barney was living proof of it. When he was younger, a year at most, he ended up falling in waste that humans had left behind and the substance left his fur and hair to become purple and green. Sure it was stood out in the natural environment but he made up for it in strength.

The children on the other hand were a light pink and a dark purple, also having DNA from Red. The pink one was a girl and the deep purple a boy, the couple was still deciding on names.

Odd footsteps sounded near the entrance of the den, making Max freeze. He sighed and relaxed when he saw it was only Ross walking with a limp. He watched Ross settle in his designated sleeping spot before laying down in his. Tim at the moment was on a midnight hunting spree, since the nocturnal animals would come out.  

Max threw his bear fur blanket over his body and relaxed a little more, stretching his legs out slightly. Soft sounds of the wind came from outside. His eyes opened slightly to find Ross, a few feet away, shaking slightly. He only had a thin dear skin blanket, since that was the first thing he ever killed.

Its tradition that the first thing that a foal kills, the keep the fur and use it for a blanket. Ross, when not hurt, was more of a distraction for larger animals. He was quick on his feet and could dodge the trees with ease while others took shots at it. Max from the very start was always tougher and was able to kill his bear with three arrows.

"Ross." Max called out to the small centaur. He lifted his head, looking at the ginger. He motioned for Ross to come closer. He slowly got up and limped his way over to the male.

Max moved over a little bit, offering him more of the blanket. Ross smiled at the act and carefully laid down, facing Max cause of his injury. The brunet smiled at the warmth that covered his body once the blanket was draped over him. "Thank you." He mumbled out tiredly as he closed his eyes.

~~~2 Months Later~~~

"Momma look!" Pink said excitedly, her hooves pawing the ground. Her real name isn't Pink, it is Heliconia which is a pink Hawaiian flower but everyone just calls her Pink for short. She was currently running over to Jess and Shelby who had tons of flowers within their baskets.

"What are they doing?" Purple mumbled harshly, walking up next to Red. Pink was over by the two females, looking at the flowers. Purple had the same situation as his sister. His name was Finch cause the birds in this forests had large strips of deep purple along their wings, but because everyone called Pink, Pink they decided to do the same with Purple.

Red smiled. "They're getting ready for the traditional race. Its a celebration time to see who is the fastest and eat till our hearts content. The racers this year are Max, Emily, Ross and Jess but I doubt Ross will run this year." He said softly.

"Why do you say that?" Ross said as he walked up next to Red, a smirk on his face. Red smiled softly.

"Your injury and all I would think-" Ross cut him off.

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