Mystery Hotel- Mithross

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For those who do not know, Max is the owner of the hotel and Ross is the bellhop. Max is a demon and Ross is a demon hunter. We're going with that. Hope you enjoy.

Shelby smiled as she took another bite of the pancakes she made. She looked at her other friends who were playing around in the dining hall. Camera Face was running from the barbarian who was chasing him with an axe.

The tweeting bird flew over head, yelling for Nick to chop Corry in half. Shelby laughed and took another bite. Suddenly a loud bang filled the room and Ross walked out of the nearby door. He was clearly angry, his tail swishing back and fourth, and his eyes blazing with fire.

Then, an equally angry Max followed, in his demon form. His tail swishing back and fourth and his blood eyes locked in on Ross.

"Ross. My room. Now." He said angrily. Ross ignore him and grabbed an apple from the center of the table.

The trio had stopped their little game and watched the two with interest. "Ross I swear to fucking god-" He started.

"I thought you didn't belive in him." Ross snapped at him before he left the room, his tail swinging back and fourth.

Max growled and followed him out. "Don't you talk to me like that!" He yelled, now in the lobby.

"Oh go to hell." Ross said, cutting across the large room.

"I am hell!" He said as he teleported in front of Ross. Ross glared up at the demon with disgust. "My room. Now."

Ross looked at Max for a good thirty seconds before bolting out the front doors. Max chased after him but stopped in the door way. It was raining pretty heavily. He saw a glimpse of Ross's tail before he was encased with mist.

"Ross wait!" Max called out desperately, now regretting what he said. "Come back." He said softly.


Ross was drenched to the bone, shivering furiously. His teeth chattered and his tail wrapped around him for warmth.

He never left the courtyard, not wanting to stray from the hotel. Tears ran down his cheeks, but the rain mixed with them. Soft sobs left his lips as he sat down on a nearby bench, looking into the pool of water.

Luckily the rain had slowed slightly and it didn't pound against Ross's fur. He watched as the many dropped made ripples through the water. He closed his eyes, shaking slightly, from the sobs and the cold.

Then, Ross felt the rain stop. He looked up and saw that the ripples were still forming on the water. He looked up and saw a red and black wing hovering over him. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked behind the bench to find Max.

He had a small smile on his face but his eyes showed regret. "I knew I would find you out here."

Ross tried to smile but a sob left his mouth. Max came around and sat on the bench, kepping his wing over Ross. "Come on, why don't we go inside and dry you off."

Ross sniffled and nodded, letting Max's arm wrap around his waist. His teeth chattered loudly as they started walking back to the main doors. Max and Ross ignored the others as they walked into room 0.

Max was instantly face to face with his nether brick mansion. A soft sizzling sound rang through the still air. Max lowered his wing and found that the water dripping off Ross was coming in contact with the floor, making the water evaporate.

Max then picked up Ross bridal style, making him yip loudly, and teleported to his room. The chattering of Ross's teeth were the only thing that filled the air, besides the ocasinal bubbling of the nearby lava.

He set Ross down and ushered him to the bathroom. He sighed as he heard the shower start. The demon sat on the fancy red king sized bed. He rested his head in his hands as he let his wings flop on the bed.

He regretted the whole argument and wanted to take it back, he wanted his lovable bellhop back. After about thirty minutes later he heard the shower turn off, Ross coming out in a large white shirt and sweat pants.

Max opened his wings up and held out his arms, asking for a hug. Ross smiled and walked over to him, sitting on his lap. Max wrapped his arms and wings around the small squirrel.

"I'm sorry." Max mumbled into Ross's neck, clinging to him tightly. Ross stayed silent as the tip of his tail flickered. "Can you forgive me?" He asked, looking into Ross's eyes.

Ross smiled and nodded before giving the demon a kiss. Max melted into the kiss instantly, kissing back.

"I love you." Ross said as he broke the kiss and rested his head against Max's.

"I love you too bellhop." He said with a smile. Ross only giggled and rested his head in Max's chest. "Bed?" Ross hummed a yes.

Max smiled and rolled over, being careful of his wings, getting into a comfortable position. He threw the red blanket over the two of them before letting himself relax and letting sleep take over him.


Baby Trouble 6 is next.
I promise.

One Shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ