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Ross ran inside, anger boiling within him. He quickly went up to their room, slamming the door in the process. Tears weld in his eyes as he went over to the balcony and closed their doors and pulled the curtains over them, making the room grow dark. He sat on the edge of the bed in defeat. "Why Max. . .?" He said softly as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. He pulled out his phone and went on Twitter.

That's were Max posted the picture. It was him and Max in the room, though Max wasn't seen in the picture. Ross was just putting on his shirt, the cloth still on his arms. Be was preparing to raise his arms and slip the cloth down his body but he turned to Max to tell him something. Max snapped the photo at the right moment, a smile on his face and his eyes bright. Ross was lucky he had pants on. He didn't like his body however. He was too chubby for his liking.

Apparently Max didn't consider his embarrassment and posted it anyway. He didn't bother reading all the things people said about him. He tossed his phone on the bed and laid down, facing the balcony. Silent tears rolled down his face not liking the thought of yelling at Max.

"Well he did have a point. . ." Adam said, looking on his phone. They were still outside the hotel, now sitting near the fountain. Max was filled with regret, now wishing he never posted it. He then went on his account and deleted it, sending an apology tweet. "You should talk to him." Red suggested, looking at Max. "No, let him cool off, same goes for you." Jin said sharply.

Max didn't respond. He felt horrible, he didn't like yelling at Ross but he was just joking around, not knowing he would take offence to the photo. "Lets skip the beach today and go to the boardwalk, I heard that there's a lot of shops down there we can look at." Everyone nodded and got up, Max following slowly behind. He didn't want to do anything with the guys. He only wanted to hold Ross tightly and tell him how sorry he was.

Everyone walked down to the boardwalk, the other four talking and laughing. Max was walking a few feet behind them. Looking at many of the shops took a few hours and they soon went to get lunch. They went to this bar style type place where it was very open and had TVs playing a ton of shows. Max ended up not eating and only looking out of the many windows that showed a view of the beach. The waves crashed gently on the shore, the sound softly reaching their ears. 

Once they were all full, except Max, they went back to the boardwalk and explored the other stores. Red suggested to get him something but he got cut off when Jin gave him a death glare. It was around 9 at night when they got back, Max had ended up stalling a good few hours, not wanting to argue with Ross again. 

Everyone said goodnight and went inside their rooms. Max hesitated before turning the knob and walking into the dark room. Max stayed silent as he closed the door and looked for his little narwhal. The balcony doors were open and Ross was leaning against the railing, not bothering to turn to Max.  Max sighed and walked over to him, hesitating before sanding next to him. 

Ross glanced over at him but didnt say anything. "Im sorry Ross. . . I really am." Max said as he leaned on the railing. Ross rolled his eyes and sighed. "Then why did you post it after I begged you not to?" Ross said facing Max, his face stern and eyes cold. Max slouched slightly, not knowing what to say. 

Ross nodded as an answer and looked over the city again. "I guess I thought you could take a joke but I mistaken." Max said with roughness in his voice. "A joke! Thats not a joke! Thats just you not listening to me! You posted it anyway after I asked, no, I begged you, not to post it. But as soon as my back is turned you post it anyway!" Ross yelled at Max, getting off the railing and facing Max completely. Max's grip tightened on the railing before pushing himself off and facing Ross. "I didnt know you would take such offense to the photo! You should respect yourself cause you're fucking beautiful!" 

That statement caught Ross off guard but not as much as the fact that Max's lips were on his, roughly I might add. Ross was too stubborn to kiss but as soon as Max wrapped his arms around his waist he kissed back and wrapped his arms around his neck. The kiss was loving and sweet and seemed to let all their anger out. 

They soon broke away, both having a light pant to their breathing. Max connected their foreheads together. Memories and feelings came rushing through Ross as they locked eyes and Ross soon remembered all the reasons why he fell in love with the crazy ginger in the first place. "Im really sorry Ross, can you ever forgive me?" A smile formed on the younger's face. "Of course you handsome ginger." Ross reconnected their lips once more in a loving kiss that seemed to last for hours. 

Once they broke away both had the biggest smiles on their faces. Ross then softly yawned and laid his head on Max's chest. Max held him close and started to rock side to side slightly. Ross closed his eyes and smiled. Max then kissed his head softly. "Please know Ross, I would never want to hurt you on purpose." Ross nodded, understanding. "Neither would I." Silence rang through the air, until Max broke it of course. "How about bed little narwhal?" Ross lifted his head and nodded. "I'd like that." HE said with a smile. 


Boom! This took longer than I thought.... im so sorry! I get out very soon so I will update more often but i have been seeing that you guys vote often and comment Im just not able to reply as soon as I see them. Im so sorry but I will be back soon! Promise!

Stay awesome, stay strong, stay beautiful ~ Maddy 


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