Life and Death 2 -Mithross

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Death lowered his hood and looked into the cracked mirror. He sighed as he raised his skeleton hand and touched his jaw on his left side. The skin had rotted away and now only bone was left.

His ginger hair stood out the most next to his black eye. Over the years, and eye had fallen out and now he only has one eye, but he could still see out of it. His stubble had grown more than he wanted but he left ti the way it was.

He sighed as he pulled back up the hood. He then flicked his bony hand and a little spirit kitten came into the  dark room. Death sighed as he watched the cat meow happily at the scary man before him.

"How can I have feelings, I've been heartless from war and death. I can't possibly love the one I hate." Death said, watching the kitten as I twirled around his legs. Death then walked into his room and closed the door, the spirit kitten slipping right through the door. He yawned and was about to slip into bed before he noticed something. It stood out greatly against the black decor and interior. A white puffy cloud in the shape of a heart was resting right above his headboard. Death scowled at the sight. He then formed a sythe from thin air and threw it at the heart.

The heart only reflected the weapon and made it fall upon the bed. Death grumbled and held his palm towards the heart. A black magic started to form at his palm, it formed into a large circle until Death shot it at the heart.

The heart only reflected the spell and shot it back at Death. He ducked just in time before the magic hit him. The man clenched his fist in anger, wanting to get rid of this thing. Then Life ran through his thoughts. He then relaxed, thinking if him. His smile, his laugh, his gentle touch and his love for animals.

Then anger filled his system. "Fuck!" He yelled before laying on his bed. "I hate him, I hate feelings, and I hate this thing!" He said referring to the heart.


Life smiled as he watched the small gray cat hop from his lap and make its way towards Life's room. "KP, wait for me." Life laughed as he followed his pet. KP slipped through the door, soon life closed it and got ready for bed.

Something dark caught his eye. "Death?" He asked, twirling around. But it wasn't, a black heart loomed over the top of Life's headboard. It had a dark mist to it and slightly leaked into the clouds next to it.

Life grew curious about the thing and shot a small amount of light magic at the heart. The heart only absorbed the magic, taking in the energy. Life was stunned by this particular behavior. He didn't tamper with it again, as he got into bed.


The next morning Death teleported to Life's castle. "Life!" He yelled angrily throughout the castle. "Death?" Life said scared as he came running down the stairs. As soon as Life was within reach Death forcefully grabbed his arm and teleported them to his room. "What is that?!" He yelled, pointing towards the heart.

Life was extreamly confused, the instant teleportation really messed him up. "I um... I didn't do that." He said, once relizing what was happening. "Oh really! You expect me to belive that you didn't conquer this up?!" Death said, extreamly annoyed. "I didn't do this! And for your information in the same exact place in my castle is a dark heart!" Life said angrily. Deaths anger vanished.

"What?" He asked softly. "Oh you heard me you hooded monster! A dark black heart. I'm surprised you even have a heart!" He yelled at the man. Suddenly a large crack filled the room. The two looked towards the could looking heart and there was a crack about one fourth of the way down the middle.

Life gasped softly as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Life looked at Death once more before bolting out of the room. "Wait Life! Come back!" Death said, running after him, his hood falling down in the process.

Life made it down the stairs before teleporting home. Sadness filled Death as he ran over to the blood red river. He saw Life in his castle, tears streaming down his face. Death gasped and teleported to his castle.

As soon as he got there he saw Life at the top of the stairs. "Life please wait!" Death then cast some magic, making black bars in front of Life, preventing him from going forward. Life sighed and held his hand up to he bars, breaking them appart with his light magic.

Life then ran to his room, looking the door behind him. Death sighed and teleported into the room. "Life I'm so sorry, I just..." He broke off, relizing what Life was looking at. The back heart that he was talking about had a red crack down the very center, making it over halfway.

More tears fell from Life's eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." He mumbled through his hands, which were over his mouth. Death looked at Life before him, he hated to seem him in the situation. Suddenly a loud crack filled the room, Death looked towards the heart and saw that the heart had crack just a little more.

"I'm sorry..." Life mumbled, closing his eyes. Death walked up to Life, taking his hands away from his mouth. Life turned his head a little, refusing to open his eyes. Death used his pointer finger and lifted Life's chin making him look at him.

Life though, still had his eyes closed and new tears trickling down his face. "Please dont cry," Death whispered softly to him. Before placing a kiss upon Life's soft lips. The younger one stiffened but kissed back all the same. Death rested his hands on Life's hips while Life wrapped his arms around Deaths neck.

Soon they pulled away, both with blushes on their cheeks. Life looked up and saw Deaths true face. He gasped softly as he  ran his hand over his cheek, coming in contact with the showing jawbone. Death smiled "That's why I never put my hood down..." He said sadly, "I look like that throughout my whole body, just a figure of Death and disspare...." He said with and small smile.

Life looked up at him and smiled. "I like you for you." He said as he kissed him once more. Death tightened his grip on the younger one while Life played with his ginger hair.

Soon they broke apart, both of their cheeks being bright red. "I love you." Death said softly. "I love you too." Life replied. Just then something moving caught his eye. He made Death turn around so he could see better.

The black heart was being overtaken by clouds, filling in half of the shape. Life smiled and blushed. "Our love..." Death whispered, looking back at Life. The younger nodded, understanding what this meant. "Please dont ever leave me..." Death asked. "I would never, not in a thousand years." He said before they joined together in one more kiss.


Holy crap I love this! I hope you all loved this chapter! Don't forget to vote, add this book to your library and follow me!

Stay awesome, stay strong, stay beautiful ~ Maddy


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