Chapter. 10

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The ground shook and the blue sky darkened. You could see a green object flying in the distant sky, but you couldn't make out exactly what it was.
"They're here," Garnet mumbled, staring up at the sky.
"Who's here?" you frantically asked, pulling on her arm.
"Homeworld," Garnet replied without looking at you.
"Its too soon..." you mumbled, the fear you felt making your body quiver.
"I'm not ready!" you yelled at Garnet, startling the gems.
"Steven, (y/n), help the people evacuate the city!" Garnet ordered. You and Steven made eye contact with one another, nodded, and headed off.

When you arrived back at the temple yours and Stevens luggage was packed up, and Greg was placing it inside of his van.
"Who's gonna tell them?" Greg questioned, his facial expression saddening. Pearl looked at Amethyst, and Amethyst blushed in frustration.
"I'm not good at this kind of stuff!" Amethyst yelled out, crossing her arms over her chest.
Garnet walked in front of them and spoke up.
"Steven, your voice inspires us, it binds us. Now you must be that voice. For them." Garnet made a gesture over to the citizens, who were frantically running about. "And (y/n), you and Steven are a team. If he goes, you go. You need to help protect each other. You're stronger than you know,"
"Garnet I-"
"Go." Garnet said, patting your head. She smiled, but it faded in a flash.
"Get in the van, kids. We have to get going if we want to get out of here in time." Greg said, pulling the two of you towards the vehicle.
"You guys go, I have to call someone. I'll catch up on Lion," you lied. You were going to help fight, without the gems knowing.

You walked into the temple, making your way to the kitchen and grabbing a knife. It wasn't much, but it was the best you have. You quickly changed into your outfit, making sure you looked presentable for whoever it was that might potentially kill you.
"I'm going to help them fight. I'm going to prove that I can be a valuable asset in battle," You whispered to yourself, determination in your voice. You saw your face in the blade of the knife. You were scared, but ready.

Running out, you stood behind the giant woman herself, Opal. When you walked out Steven appeared on Lion.
"At least they're okay and out of harms way..." Garnet said to herself, a stray tear falling from her face.
"Actually, about that..." you suddenly spoke, a guilty smile plastered on your face.
"Steven, (y/n)!" Opal gasped, unfusing in an instant.
"You came back!" Amethyst yelled in relief, her voice cracking.
"Get out of here!" Garnet yelled at the two of you, attempting to push you away.
"No!" you and Steven yelled back in sync.
The green ship landed on the beach, the sand clouding your vision.
It was too late to go back now.
It's now over never.
Homeworld has arrived.

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