Chapter 89

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(I'm going to be skipping Jungle Moon because I feel the episode is perfect in itself, thanks for your support loves!)

Steven held your hand in his own, a party sub sandwich in the other. The two of you were going to visit Lars and the Off Colors, but before you could go Garnet stood in front of your way there.

"Where are you off to?" she asked with a knowing grin.

You and Steven sighed, confessing your whereabouts.

"We just want to help Lars and the Off Colors! It's not fair that they have to live the way they do!" you defended, your grip on Steven's hand loosening.

Garnet put her hands up in surrender, her expression amused. "I know I can't stop you," she spoke. "But, I want to go with you," she finished.

Stars began to shimmer in your eyes, and you nodded your head in agreement quickly.


"3... 2... 1... Go!" You and Steven screamed, jumping into Lion's mane. You closed your eyes, the feeling of weightlessness taking over your body.

You slowly opened your eyes, the fluffy pink grass being the first thing you see. As you looked around you saw the tree that held all of Rose's treasures, and a few ways from that was the tree that connected Lars to Lion.

As you made your way there you could feel the pressure building up, you were in desperate need of oxygen. You still haven't become accustomed to walking the way to visit them.

When you made your way to Lars' tree you quickly poked your head out of his hair, gasping for air. You then jumped out, pressing out the wrinkles in your clothes as you touched down onto the floor.

Steven followed soon after, the party sub somehow staying in tact the entire trip.

"Who wants a party sub?!" Steven announced, everyone's attention on him.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" Rhodonite questioned.

"You guys defeated Emerald, got this awesome ship, and saved Connie and I off of that Jungle Moon!"

"The Nova Thrusters should be fully functional, Captain Lars," Fluorite popped up from undermeath the ship, speaking in almost a whisper.

Lars jumped up from his seat, extending his arm into the air. "Twins! Fire up the Nova Thrusters at full speed!" he ordered.

"Yes, Captain Lars!" they yelled out, turning on the thrusters. There was a sudden jolt of power, then the entire ship's power went out.

The crew groaned in frustration, and Lars put his head in his hands.

"Captain Lars! Don't use the Nova Thrusters! We're going to lose power!" Padparadscha yelled out, causing you to giggle a bit.


Garnet began complimenting all the Off Colors, hugging them and scaring them a bit. Her kind gestures stirred up an odd feeling within you, but you couldn't figure out what it was. You decided to brush it aside, it couldn't be important.

"I predict you're going to make everyone uncomfortable," Padparadscha spoke nonchalantly.

Garnet's face contorted from happiness to realization as she looked at the gems' expressions. They all held uncomfortable looks, and kept their eyes glued to the ground.

"We don't appreciate you making fun of us like that." Rhodonite mumbled, hugging herself tightly.

"Haven't you guys heard of a compliment before?" Steven questioned in an attempt to break the tension.

"What? What's a compliment?" the Rutile Twins questioned in obvious confusion.

"Y'know, it's when someone says something nice about you," you answered.

"Who'd say anything nice about gems like us? We're completely inappropriate, and so are you. We should all be ashamed..." Rhodonite spoke, making your heart sink. You had no idea they felt this way, they all seemed so confident in themselves.

Garnet gently placed a hand on your shoulder then another on Steven's, "Aw, these gems feel just like I did before I met Rose Quartz," she said, making the Off Colors gasp rather loudly.

"Rose Quartz?"

"Rose... Quartz?"

"You met Rose Quartz? And you survived?" the Rutile Twins gasped in astonishment. Garnet now held everyone's undivided attention.

"You guys know about Rose?" You and Steven asked in unison, a small giggle escaping your lips afterwards.

"She was the Anti-Gem! An organic beast that burst out of Earth's crust and vowed to destory all Gems!" Rhodonite shrieked. You sent Steven a confused look which he returned.

The Rutile Twins were the next to speak up, "No, no. She was made from a vein of hyper-defective Quartz! A malformed Quartz gone haywire!"

"Don't... be... silly. Rose... Quartz... isn't... real," Fluorite spoke softly.

"You have it all wrong," Garnet explained to the Off Colors, their expressions confused as she began her explanation.

"Rose Quartz?!"


"She was our leader. And Earth was our precious home. And those who fought to save it became known as... The Crystal Gems!" Garnet finished.


"There were Gems like us?"


"For... their... freedom,"

You listened intently as Garnet continued telling the Gems the story of Rose, the true story. Her face shone brightly as she retold her times of battle and self-discovery. However, that odd feeling remained within you. You'd have to look into it when you got home.

Lars turned his attention to Steven, his face showing the same astonishment as the Off Colors, "Wow. Your mom did all that? That's awesome!" Lars exclaimed, determination in his eyes.

Lars began barking orders at an amazing rate, his every command being carried out quickly and carefully. They were able to restart the core, but still needed to work on the Nova Thrusters if they wished to make it to Earth.

"We can hit up the nearest colony for parts," Lars suggested, "Rhodonite, tell me there's one nearby,"

"Well, we aren't far from on of Yellow Diamond's asteroid mines, but that place will be crawling with Agates, Captain! It's incredibly dangerous!"

"So are we! Let's show 'em!" Lars announced in reply to her warning, standing up and pointing at the stars ahead of him.

You watched as the crew efficiently worked to get to their destination, everyone doing what they had to do without distractions.

"We better get going, it's already getting late." Garnet suggested, shrinking down to Steven's size. You nodded in agreement, the three of you making your way into Lars' hair and back home.

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