Chapter 79

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"He's gone..." you whispered to yourself as you watched the ship soar away. Everyone exited the water, tears staining their faces. You looked at the gems, then back at the ground. You stood up and began walking back to the temple, your head hanging low. "(Y/n), we're really sorry. We tried to save Steven, we really did." Amethyst said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded, "I know,"

The temple was quiet, far too quiet. You sat on Steven's bed, one of his action figures in your hand. Your hands ran over the toy's dents and designs. You felt so awful for letting him go. "I should've gone with him," you told yourself, walking over to his closet. "We're best friends, we go through everything together, and I let him endure this all alone!" you screamed, throwing the action figure onto the floor. You gasped, rushing to pick up the now broken toy.

You stood in the center of the arena, your sword drawn as a dozen holo-Pearls stood around you in a circle. You began to fight them, earning a few scrapes and bumps here and there. Ever since Steven was taken you've been training non-stop. On occasion Connie would join you, but she mainly stayed away from you. "When do you think they'll start to calm down?" Pearl asked Garnet as she examined your form. "Who knows. As much as I love them, not even I can handle this new emotion they're showing," Garnet replied, staring at you. When you finished off the last Holo-Pearl you walked towards the stands, grabbed your duffle bag, and left.

Steven's POV
I watched as Lars fell down a large pile of rock, his body limp as he fell to the floor. The new gems and I gasped and ran towards him. "Lars!" I yelled, shaking his body, no response. Tears began to form in my eyes as realization hit, Lars is dead. My tears began to fall rapidly, I didn't know what to do. My tears began to collide with Lars' body, which made him emit a heavenly pink glow. My eyes widened as his skin changed color and his eyes lit up. "Lars!" I screamed out as he sat up. "What happened?"

Regular POV
You fell asleep in the living room watching a 'Crying Breakfast Friends' marathon. Steven suddenly appeared out of Lion's mane, which made you open your eyes slightly. Steven saw you and smiled brightly, he rubbed your head and watched as you began to snore lightly. "Water!" Steven suddenly yelled out, running into the kitchen and grabbing a glass for himself, he then proceeded to make himself a sandwich and stuff some food in a bag. "(Y/n)." Steven whispered, shaking you lightly. You jolted awake, your forehead colliding with Steven's nose, knocking him back. "Steven! Oh my god! You're alive!" you screamed, knocking him back onto the floor in a hug. "I'm guessing you missed me?" Steven laughed, hugging you back. "Well duh! How the heck did you even get back?!" you yelled, shaking him rapidly. "It's a long story..."

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