Chapter. 46

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"Bismuth?" you questioned, looking at the rainbow haired gem.
"She's one of the original Crystal Gems!" Garnet happily said, her lips tugged into one of the brighter smiles you've ever seen from her.
Bismuth began going on-and-on about the rebellion and different crystal gems. You growled at how, touchy, Bismuth began getting with Garnet.
The three gems stepped onto the warp pad. They finally acknowledged you, Steven and Amethyst by motioning you onto the warp.
"Wow, for a second I though you'd forgotten about us.." you mummbled, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms as you stepped onto the warp. However, only Steven and Amethyst seemed to notice.

You watched as Garnet, Pearl and Bismuth held onto one another, talking of who knows what.
"Don't peg me as the jealous girlfriend, but there's something about her, she seems.. Off." you told Steven and Amethyst. Amethyst nodded in agreement while Steven shook his head.
"She seems nice." Steven said in reply to what you said.
"Think what you want Steven. It's just... Bismuth seems like a git to me." you replied.

After a far too long reunion the group returned to the temple. Steven suggested to watch 'Lonely Blade' which everyone agreed to. Garnet patted for you to sit at the spot beside her. You ignored her, then took a seat next to Amethyst. Amethyst smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. Garnet saw this and her face grew into one of anger. However, she didn't say anything.

You followed behind the gems as you were taken to a place you've never heard of. Bismuth opened a passageway into a weird room. It was full of armor and weapons.
"Whoa.." you breathed out, feeling less and less safe.
"This is where I made weaponry for the rebellion." Bismuth explained. You looked in disbelief as she handed the gems weapon upgrades.
"What about you? What's your weapon?" Bismuth asked, looking you up and down.
"Oh, I'm not a gem..." you replied, shaking your hands out in front of you.
"Nonsense!" Bismuth yelled, laughing.
"Really, I'm just a human." you once again said. Bismuth saw you were serious and her expression went blank for a second.
"Well then, let's get yo-"
"Thank you, Bismuth but Garnet gave me my own sword."
Bismuth growled at your words or rejection but kept a happy face for her companions.

It was late at night. Steven and Bismuth were talking about memories and such. You heard Steven mention Rose's sword. The warp activated and you got up from bed, grabbing your own sword and walking up to the warp pad.
"Good thing I have this..." you whispered to yourself, blowing the warp whistle. You stepped onto the warp as it activated and were taken to where Bismuth made weapons.

When you finally reached them you saw Bismuth with Steven. She was holding onto Rose's sword and started talking about a weapon. It sounded off. The floor sunk down and you quickly jumped down following them.
"What is she up to...?" you whispered, clutching onto the wall tightly so they wouldn't see you. You held onto the strap that kept your sword with you. You then grabbed the handle of the sword and quietly pulled the sword from its scabbard. You watched as Bismuth used the weapon. A breaking point.
"It's made to shatter gems.." you whispered, gasping at the sight. You lost focus and your grip loosened. You fell to the floor just as Bismuth was throwing a rampage because Steven refused to use the weapon.
"Stay away from him!" you yelled, your bloody fingers holding onto the sword tightly.
"Hah! What are you gonna do about it?" Bismuth laughed.
"I'll poof you right where you stand and you won't remember a thing." you threatened. This ticked her off more than she already was.
"Watch your mouth," Bismuth growled, positioning the weapon to your face. You gasped and Steven pulled you away just as the weapon was about to make impact.
"Thanks, Steven.." you breathed out, looking over at your sword that was on the ground.
"Hm, Garnet gave you this huh? It's pathetic." Bismuth told you, picking up the sword and throwing it into the lava that surrounded you all. You watched as the sword fell in, melting at such a fast rate that it seemed like seconds. She pushed you to your point.
"Listen, you can take my friends away from me for a day, you can try and turn them against me, you can make yourself seem like a saint all you want. However, when you not only fuck with me, my friends and what they gave me, that's when you tick me off." you growled. Bismuth laughed and picked up a piece of debree, throwing it at you. It landed on your stomach and you heard cracking noises coming from throughout your body.

Steven yelled your name and began fighting with Bismuth in anger. Bismuth threw a rock at Steven and he collided with a wall.
"Steven!" you gasped, attempting to speak. The rock restricted your breathing and you coughed up blood.
"Hold on, (y/n)!" Steven yelled, pushing the rock away from him and throwing it near Bismuth.
Steven knocked the breaking point from Bismuth's arm and grabbed it.
"Just do it! Shatter me!" Bismuth yelled, tears falling from her eyes. You watched the scene play out despite your blurred vision.
"I-I can't! I won't!" Steven yelled at Bismuth.
"Just get rid of me like she did! Get rid of me and don't tell anyone just like she did!" Bismuth yelled at Steven.
"No!" Steven yelled at Bismuth. Bismuth growled and took the weapon from his hand. She positioned it at his gem and Steven positioned his mother's sword at Bismuth's stomach.
You shut your eyes as you heard the retracting of the breaking point. When you finally opened them you watched as Bismuth poofed.
"I'm sorry. I'll tell the gems. I'll tell them everything!" Steven yelled, tears streaming down his face.
"Then you really are better than her."
Those were Bismuth's last words.

Steven bubbled the gem and ran over to you. Steven attempted to get the rock off. It wouldn't budge.
"Don't worry about me, Steven. Get back to the temple and tell the gems what happened." you choked out, crimson liquid coming out of your mouth.
"No! I won't leave you!" Steven yelled.
You sighed and clutched onto the whistle Garnet gave you.
"Here. Use it." you said, using your remainder of strength to give Steven the whistle. Steven hurriedly blew the whistle over and over again. That's when everything went black.

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