Chapter. 37

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"We're home!" you happily exclaimed in relief. You ran around and smelt the fresh air. When you grew tired of running and yelling, you dropped yourself onto the ground, and gave it a long kis. Regretting it right after.
"Why did I do that?" you asked yourself, spitting due to the awful taste.
"(Y/n)!" you heard Garnet yell. You turned around and saw her speeding towards you. You happily smiled and waited for her embrace, which came in a matter of seconds.
"I missed you so much, love!" Garnet exclaimed, picking you up, and planting kisses all over you.
"G-Garnet," you giggled "everyone is watching!" you yelled in embarrassment.
"Didn't anyone teach you not to stare?" Garnet said, looking at everyone. The gems and Steven all had red faces. 
"Uhm, how did it go?" Pearl asked, clearing her throat.
"I bubbled the cluster!" Steven proudly stated, a bright smile on his face.
"You bubbled that entire thing?!" Pearl yelled, holding onto the sides of her head. Steven nodded in reply, and Pearl looked as though she was about to faint.
"Are you alright, love?" Garnet asked, hugging you tightly. She wasn't going to let go anytime soon.
"I'm fine." you replied, giggling at how worried Garnet was.
"Hey, where's Lapis?" Steven asked.
"I put her in the barn," Garnet replied.
"And Jasper...?" you cowered, hoping she wasn't around.
"Ask Pearl!" Amethyst yelled, laughing like a lunatic. You looked over at Pearl who looked a bit brain-dead.
"Well, you see... Jasper is uhm... she fell into the ocean." Pearl struggled to say. She said the last part quickly, hoping nobody would hear.
"Tell them why!" Amethyst teased, holding onto her stomach from the pain of her laughter.
"I didn't grab her in time..." Pearl mumbled, puffing out her cheeks.
"Haha!" Amethyst couldn't stop laughing.
You held in a laugh, but after a while you couldn't contain it. You fell onto the floor in a fit of laughter. Steven did the same.
"She's gone?" Peridot asked, walking over to Pearl.
"For now at least." Pearl replied. Peridot's face lit up, and she jumped up in joy.
"Finally, I'm sick of that gigantic sack of muscle! All she did was boss me around! It's about that overly-buff bag of Cheetos was forgotten!" Peridot exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"What was that?" Peridot heard Jasper ask from behind her. You all had looks of fear. Peridot slowly turned around to be met with...

Amethyst shape-shifted like Jasper.

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