Chapter. 33

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Steven was slowly growing up, but the rate worried you. Steven was now ten. Four years younger than you.
"I hope once he reaches 14 he starts aging normally.." you said, watching the gems finish the drill up.
"He will, don't worry about it, love." Garnet replied, kissing your cheek, and taking a seat next to you.
"I hope you're right, Garnet."

"Hey!" Greg happily exclaimed as he walked into the barn.
"Oh. Hello, Greg." you replied. Packing up some things.
"What's with the packing?" Greg asked you, gesturing to the suitcase.
"Well, I was thinking that Steven and I could go back to the temple while the gems finish the drill," you replied nervously. You were in a hurry before Garnet came back. You knew she would say no.
"Have you talked to Garnet and the others about this?" Greg asked you.
"No..." you mumbled in reply. Greg walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder.
"I know you feel like all of this is your fault, (y/n). But, you have to understand that it isn't. You can't keep beating yourself up like this. It isn't healthy - trust me, I know." Greg said, trying to make you feel better. However, you still wanted to go.
"Thank you for the wise words, Greg. However, I have to do this. It's for Steven's sa-"
"What about us?!" Greg yelled at you. His loud voice startled you.
"What's going on here?" an all too familiar voice said from the barn doors.
"It's no-"
"(Y/n) is trying to leave back to the temple." Greg blurted out, plain and simple.
"No." Garnet sternly said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Why not?" you questioned.
"Because, look." Garnet said. You looked behind you and saw a nervous Steven standing behind a crate.
"Steven?" you asked, slowly walking towards him.
"Yeah..." Steven nervously replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Steven, you butt! Why did you do that to yourself?!" you yelled, throwing a pillow at him.
"I didn't know it would hurt my form like that!" Steven yelled back, dodging the pillow.
"I was so worried!" You yelled again, throwing another pillow. "I'm really sorry! I didn't know this would happen! I'll make it up to you, I swear!"
This process continued until you were all out of words to say.

And pillows to throw.

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