Chapter. 15

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It's been a few weeks since everything had occured. You (kinda) got over the whole Lapis situation. Now it was a seemingly normal day in Beach City. Steven and Connie were a top the temple having a picnic of some sort. You and Garnet were looking around for any signs of debris. Pieces had fallen everywhere, and you wanted to make sure you had a thorough search.
"Garnet...?" You said in a questioning tone of voice.
"Hm?" was what she said in reply.
"I'm sorry about the other day... I was so surprised about Lapis... I... I didn't know what to think..." You told Garnet. Garnet simply stopped in her tracks and looked at you.
"I forgive you," she said in reply as a small smile spread across her beautiful face. You weren't sure why, but her smile made your heart flutter, and your stomach seemed to sink down into your shoes. After staring at Garnet for a few seconds she cleared her throat.
"We should continue the search," Garnet said. You nodded in reply.
"Why in the universe did I let you talk me into this?!" you yelled at Steven as you held onto a sword.
"I just thought that since you don't have any special gem powers like us, you would want to at least know how to fight. That way you can easily help me and the gems on missions," Steven answered, smiling brightly.
"Anyways, you won't be learning alone. I'm here!" Connie spoke, she too was smiling.
"Oh yeah, that makes me feel sooo much better..." you breathed out making an annoyed face.
"(y/n), stop being rude." Pearl instructed.
"Yes ma'am..." you mumbled in reply.

Pearl suddenly started singing a song to Connie, and left you to train with a holo Pearl.
"Do you wish to engage in combat?!" it yelled, taking you by surprise.
"Oh, no, I'm gonna wait for Pearl to get here before I fight you," You answered, a bit nervous.
"Match set!" it yelled back to you.
"wait, what?!" you yelled, backing away slowly. The Pearl came at you and almost hit you several times with it's sword. You, however, blocked it with your own sword.
"Did I just do that...?" you questioned to yourself. You could hear Steven cheering you on with fear in his voice. Pearl had told him he wasn't to interfere in any way with training.
"Hey, Steven! I'm doing pretty grea-" you stopped in the middle of your sentence when the Pearl slightly stabbed your arm.
"You're freakin' kidding me, right?" you asked it before stabbing it. That made it disappear.
"I don't need training to know how to stab..." you mumbled, clutching your arm in pain.
"Are you okay?!" Steven yelled at the top of his lungs while running towards you at top speed.
"It's just a scratch, buddy" you replied trying to reassure him. It didn't work.
"Pearl! (y/n) got hurt!" Steven yelled.
"They wha- Oh my stars!" Pearl yelled, rushing towards you.
"d-don't worry... You're going to be just fine..." Pearl said frantically as she wrapped many layers of bandages onto your arm.
"Are you okay?! Does it hurt?!" Connie questioned with worry.
'no duh it hurts.' you said in your head, ignoring her question. you stood up while holding onto your arm.
"That's enough training for today..." Pearl sighed.

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