Chapter 93

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Ever since returning from the Moon Base, Steven hasn't been acting like his usual self. He's currently sitting on the couch, contemplating who knows what.

"Ah!" Steven screamed, jumping up off the couch.

You quickly made your way over to him, placing a hand on his back. "Steven, what's wrong?!" you frantically questioned, looking at his shaking form.

He had beads of sweat dripping down his face and refused to look up to meet your gaze.

Amethyst and Pearl suddenly walked into the room, taking a seat in the kitchen.

"I can't believe you've had your phone for month and you haven't even used it!" Amethsyt gawked.

"I use it to tell the time!" Pearl said in reply.

You watched Amethyst change Pearl's wallpaper, then you and Steven both receive separate texts from Pearl.

Steven tried his best to get Pearl's attention, but Amethyst kept pushing him away.

Eventually Amethyst retreated into her room to find a phone case for Pearl and Steven took the opportunity to talk to Pearl.

He still hadn't told you what this was about, so this confused you greatly.


"What is it, Steven?"

"You know how mom shattered Pink Diamond? Well, I was just wondering if maybe... You shattered Pink Diamond..."

"What?!" you gasped, looking at Steven in pure confusion.

Pearl dropped her phone, covering her mouth with both her hands.

"It's okay. You can tell me," Steven tried but Pearl didn't budge.

Her hands clasped over her mouth tighter and she struggled to speak.

"Why can't you just talk to me about this?" Steven questioned, growing frustrated.

Amethyst came out of her room, holding a yellow phone case decorated with palm trees. She looked at the scene before her in confusion.

"Ah, yes! The phone case for the phone! Thank you Amethyst! It's probably safer if I just keep it in here!" Pearl yelled out, marching into her room. Amethyst attempted to reason with her but the temple door quickly closed.

"What was that about?"


You and Steven were eating fries at the boardwalk when a text made Steven jump up in surprise.

"Pearl just texted me! Look!" Steven gasped, shoving his phone in his face

'I want to tell you but I can't'

You grabbed the phone from his hand, reading over the message a dozen times.

"We need to talk to her,"


You and Steven burst through the door, Pearl vacuuming the living room when you arrived.

"Pearl I'm ready to talk!"

She turned off the vaccum, confused by the sudden outburst.

"I got your text! 'I want to tell you but I can't'. With a monkey emoji!" Steven rapidly explained to her.

"Steven, I didn't send that. I haven't used my phone since I put it away this morning."

"Maybe you butt dialed me? With your gem?"

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