Chapter. 34

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"So far so good..." you mumbled to yourself, watching Steven sleep. Sure, it was weird but, you wanted to make sure your friend didn't go through any sudden aging while he was asleep. It was about 2:52 a.m. The gems were outside tending to the drill. It was almost complete. All Peridot has to do is set the exact coordinates to the cluster, and the gems would take off.
"(Y/n)?" you heard the voice of Amethyst question as she walked into the barn.
"Hey, Ame." you tiredly replied, rubbing your eyes. Your eyes were bloodshot red due to your lack of sleep. It had been almost three days that you hadn't slept.
"What are you doing awake?" Amethyst asked you, taking a seat next to you.
"Oh... I can't sleep." you lied. Amethyst didn't seem to believe you.
"Really? 'Cause it seems like you're watching Steven sleep to make sure he doesn't suddenly age." Amethyst replied, crossing her arms over her chest, a smirk tugging on her lips. You gasped, wide-eyed. Was it that obvious?
"Don't beat yourself up, (Y/n). This is Steven we're talking about." Amethyst said, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"You're right, Ame. Thanks." you replied, embracing Amethyst into a tight hug.
The hug lasted a few moments. That is, until someone cleared their throat, demanding their presense to be known.
"G-Garnet..." You nervously said. You knew how jealous Garnet could get.
"Amethyst, I think Pearl and Peridot need some help," Garnet said, her teeth clenched. Amethyst nodded in understanding, and walked out of the barn. Leaving you alone with Garnet.
"Garnet I-" you stopped when Garnet embraced you in a tight hug. You blushed darkly as Garnet pulled you into her lap, hugging you from behind.
"You're mine. You know that, right?" Garnet questioned, hugging you tighter.
"I-I know." you replied, flustered by her actions. Garnet chuckled and kissed your neck lightly. You couldn't help but giggle at how the sensation felt.
"G-Garnet," you giggled "what if Steven wakes up?"
"Then he wakes up,"
You suddenly pulled away, looking over at Steven. His chest rose and fell, his body stiff in it's slumber.

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