Chapter. 51

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(WARNING! The following chapter contains spoilers from today's episodes. Beta and Earthlings)

"C'mon, visiting Lapis and Peridot will be fun!" Steven exclaimed, attempting to cheer up Amethyst.
"Yeah, it's been a while since we've seen them," you added.
When you guys arrived you saw how changed up the barn was.
"You did all of this intentionally? You didn't just, drop a paint can and leave it?" Amethyst asked.
"Nope," Peridot replied. Amethyst looked away. Lapis and Peridot began showing you guys all of their art. The barn had never looked better in your opinion.

"Hey Lapis, you okay?!" Peridot yelled.
"Yeah," Lapis replied.
"You sure?!"
"What season is that?!"
"You need anything?!"
"You sure?!"
After that the 4 of you stepped onto the warp to the Beta kindergarten that Peridot told you about. You honestly didn't know what to expect. None of you did.

When you guys arrived you were met with a bright orange colored sand and a bright rays of sun.
"Wow, this place is way different than the prime kindergarten.." you mummbled, looking around.
There was a limited amount of holes and each one of them looked terrible and rushed. All except one.
"This must be Jasper's hole..." Steven said.
"It's huge," Amethyst said in awe.
Peridot climbed in to inspect it. When she came out she looked nervous.
"I've never seen a more perfect exit hole..."

Peridot noticed that some of the holes were fresh.
"These aren't exit holes," she said. You looked at each one. You were confused.
"Then, what are they?" you asked her. That's when you all stopped in your tracks. In front of you was a prison of corrupted gems and fusion expirements.
"Who did this...?" you whispered, looking at the scene before you in fear.
"She did." Steven answered, pointing to none other than...

"Jasper?!" you yelled in fear. Steven quickly pulled you behind a rock and covered your mouth with his hand. Steven shushed you and the 4 of you looked over at Jasper with caution. She was yelling at one of the gem monsters from Connie's first mission.
When the three of you looked back you noticed something. Amethyst was gone.
"Amethyst!" you yelled in a whisper. She was cautiously sneaking towards Jasper.
"Isn't that right, Amethyst?" You suddenly heard Jasper say. Amethyst gasped and fell off of the edge.
"What are you all doing here?!" Jasper yelled, looking at you, Steven and Amethyst. She hadn't yet noticed Peridot.
When Jasper finally took notice of Peridot she seemed a bit shocked.
"What are you doing here?"
"I... I'm a crystal gem!" Peridot yelled in reply. Jasper sighed and forced her attention back to the three of you.
"Look what you've done. You've stripped that gem of her limb enhancers, her status, and her dignity."
"Hey, I still have one of those things!"
Amethyst wasted no time in summoning her weapon. She quickly made her way to Jasper and began hitting her with multiple attacks. She whipped her and set her on fire. Nothing worked. It was obvious that Amethyst was attacking Jasper at full forced but she barely left a scratch on the buff gem.
Jasper began yelling at Amethyst, calling her a runt and that she was pathetic. Amethyst just grew more and more angry.

You made your way to Peridot and tried to help her get a metal bar from the ground. She used her metal powers and you pulled on it with as much strength as you could force. Your hands began to bleed and all the pressure made your chest hurt. You stopped and looked over at Peridot. You passed out.

Back at the battle Steven and Amethyst had fused. Their fusion, Smokey Quartz. With ease they began to battle Jasper. Jasper was pushed around back and forth.
"Is fusion all you crystal gems know how to do?!" Jasper yelled, her voice angry. As usual.
Jasper got fed up and ran towards one of the corrupted gems. She fused with it and tried to fight. The fusion was far too unstable and they defused almost instantly.
"Nobody I fuse with stays!" Jasper yelled.
At that moment Jasper began changing. It wasn't a good change either.
"Its disgusting!" Peridot yelled.
"It's corruption," Smokey Quartz said. They unfused.
Amethyst, Steven and Peridot looked in worry as Jasper began to corrupt.
"Maybe I can help her..." Steven told them, walking towards Jasper. He licked his hand and tried to touch Jasper. Jasper clawed at Steven and Steven was knocked back. His sandals fell off and his shirt had a gash. This woke you up. You made your way down as fast as you possibly could and stood in front of Steven.
"Don't you dare hurt him!"
"You've take everything from me!" Jasper yelled.
"My home.
My planet.
My diamond."
"Your diamond?" Steven questioned.
"You mean yellow diamond?" you asked. Jasper groaned in anger.
"No!" Jasper yelled.
"My diamond!
Your diamond!
Pink. Diamond!"
After those words Jasper poofed. Thanks to Peridot who launched a steel rod into her stomach. Her gem fell to the floor and you gasped.
"C'mere, sis.." Amethyst mummbled. She bubbled Jasper and sent her to the temple.
"Well, that just happened..." you laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

Finally, it was over. Now you guys could relax.
At least that's what you thought before you took notice that Lapis had the Ruby guards from before in water bubbles.
"Great," you breathed out.

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