Chapter. 66

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Steven had left the house to go with Connie. You assumed he left to go see a movie. You were too tired to go and decided to stay home instead. As usual, Garnet had gone on a mission.
"This is brilliant!!" you cheered, watching the first episode of your favorite show.
The episode ended and you quickly clicked 'Next Episode'. The screen flashed with the shows opening and you cheerfully sang along, the lyrics imprinted in your mind.
"Darling, I'm home," a familiar voice chimed. You turned around and saw the familiar face of Sapphire.
"Sapphire, Ruby!!" you yelled, stumbling up from the couch and running towards them. You engulfed the two of them in a tight hug.
"How have you been? I've missed the both of you!!" you yelled. The two giggled at your excitement.
"We've been good, thank you." Sapphire replied.
"Heck yeah we've been great!!" Ruby added, placing her hands on her hips, then forming a toothy smile.
"What are you guys doing here? Is everything alright?" you asked, a bit worried.
"We decided that today would be the appropriate day to unfuse. We've missed you so much," Sapphire smiled. You smiled back.

9:46 pm.
"Y'know what, let's make some cookies!!" you cheered.
"Sure, then I can beat 'em to the ground!!" Ruby yelled, hitting the palm of her hand with her fist.
"Whoa, that isn't necessary... But you can mix the batter...?"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you.." Sapphire mumbled, a smile forming.

10:16 pm.
"Told you~" Sapphire cooed.
"How did this happen?!" you exclaimed, laughing in disbelief. You had gone to the restroom for a bit and when you returned, Ruby had managed to get cookie dough on the wall.
"I might have gone too far..."
"Yeah, no kidding..."
You made your way to the bathroom and grabbed some cleaning supplies. You walked out and saw that Ruby had now gotten flour on the wall.
"How...?" you squeaked.
"I tried to clean it with this powdery stuff," Ruby told you, holding up the bag.
"Oh my gosh..." you laughed, dropping the cleaning supplies and laughing.

11:10 pm.
Thankfully, you were able to clean the mess. And you managed to make the cookies!!
You sat the plate on the coffee table and sat with the two gems.
"Now that I think about it... You two don't eat, and I couldn't eat all of these on my own..."
"You'll share with Steven," Sapphire smiled. This caused you to laugh.
"Hey Sapph," Ruby smirked.
"Nice mass." Ruby giggled.
"All it needs is a place to sit on." Sapphire replied, smirking. This caused Ruby to turn a deeper shade of red and you to choke on the cookie you were eating.
"I'm home!!" Steven yelled, the door swinging open as he entered. When Steven entered he saw a smirking Sapphire, Ruby set ablaze, and you choking to your death.
"What's going on...?"

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