Chapter. 21

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(I was honestly waaaay too lazy to crop the above picture.)

It's been about a week and Peridot refuses to leave the 'safety' of the bathroom. The good news is that you and Steven can go whenever you please. Most of the time, at least.
"Morning, Garnet." you groggily said. Brushing out your hair on your way to the bathroom.
"Good morning, love." Garnet said in reply.
"Did... You just call me 'love'?" you asked Garnet, confused, stopping in your tracks.
"As a matter of fact, I did." Garnet replied, a wide smile on her face.
Your face went extremely red. You weren't sure how to reply. So, you just stood there, star struck at what she had called you.
"I-I'll see you later..." you murmured with a bit of a stutter.
"Looking forward to it," Garnet replied with a quick wink. However, you weren't able to see it due to her visor.

After Garnet had left the room you quickly made your way to the bathroom, knocking rapidly. Peridot opened the door in annoyance. You quickly ran in and began splashing your face with water over and over until you were able to easily catch your breath, and the rapid beating of your heart subsided.
"What happened to you?" Peridot questioned, standing up from her position the floor.
"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I push you?!" you frantically asked.
"Yeah, it's nothing I can't handle though." Peridot replied, dusting off her legs.
"I'm so sorry... I just-"
"Your heart rate grew to an intense rate when the fusion made an exceptionally romantic comment?" Peridot asked.
"Uhm, yeah. Was it that obvious?"
"Extremely. You humans are quite predictable,"
"Peridot, can I trust you...?" you suddenly asked, walking closer to her.
"Sure, I kept a lot of secrets back on Homeworld." Peridot replied.
"I may or may not. Kinda-sorta... Just a teeny-tiny bit-"
"Will you just say it already?!"
"I kinda have a crush on Garnet!" you quickly blurted out in a single breath.
"Crush?" Peridot questioned.
"It's kinda like when you have a romantic attraction to someone of yours or the opposite gender." you explained the best you could.
"Oh. well, that's not much of a secret." Peridot replied.
"Excuse me?" you asked.
"I mean, basically every time the fusion even takes a quick glance at you... you become extremely flustered and you don't seem to function properly. It's actually quite entertaining." Peridot answered.
"Oh... well, it looks like it's time to pack my bags and move to the bottom of the ocean... so the sharks can mutilate me..." you said, an empty smile on your face.
"Don't be ridiculous, (y/n). It's obvious that the fusion has these feelings towards you, as well." Peridot replied to your way of solving the situation.
"Wait, really?" you asked, hope in your voice.
"Absolutely!" Peridot yelled, jumping up.
"Wow... thanks Peridot."
"Call me Peri just like Steven does. I insist."
"Oh, okay, Peri."

"(y/n)! Hurry up in there, we're going on a mission!"

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