Chapter. 22

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Finally, a cool, rainy day to make the memories of the terrible summer heat fade away. As much as a relief it was you were terrified of the crashing thunder, and the striking lightning.
"Freakin' heck! This is literal bull!" you yelled, jumping up from your sitting spot on the floor. The lights had, of course, gone out. The usual cliché in the situation of a storm.
"Calm down, (y/n)... the storm is going to pass soon." Garnet soothed, lightly stroking your hair as a way to calm you.
"I hope it does..." you mumbled, taking a long, soothing sip from your coffee mug. Everyone was some how able to sleep, or wasn't fazed by the storm. Not you.
"I promise, nothing is going to happen to you. I'll keep watch of you," Garnet said. It gave you a sense of relief, knowing the amazing woman you loved, even if it was a case of unrequited love, was there to protect you.
"Thank you so much, Garnet. I wouldn't be able to do this without you." you said in reply to her comment.
"I wouldn't let you suffer. That's insanity."

Garnet, as per usual, was correct  about the storm soon passing. The storm passed a few hours after Garnet had predicted it.
"Finally, I can relax..." you happily sighed in relief. You plopped onto the shared bed and once again, let out a long, calm sigh.
"I'm guessing you hate storms...?" Steven asked.
"Hate doesn't even begin to explain it." you said in reply. Your voice muffled by the pillows. Steven let out a chuckle. He then made his way down the stairs.
"Breakfast is going to be ready in about 10 minutes. Give or take."
"Thanks, Stevie..."

When breakfast was ready you quickly made your way down the
steps. However, someone stopped you before you were able to reach the kitchen.
"(Y/n), I assume you're feeling better?"
"Much better. Thank you for everything, Garnet" you replied.
"My pleasure." Garnet told you, grabbing your hand and planting a quick kiss onto the top of it.

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